I can feel anger rising. I keep staring into the eyes of Zeus.

"Zeus.." Athena says looking sad.
She looks at Annabeth. She is standing with tears in her eyes.

"Brother please be reasonable..." Poseidon tries. But it doesn't matter. Zeus has made up his mind.

"Listen Zeus! You are not the one in charge of me anymore. Chaos is! You are not the one that can forbid me to do anything! Not after everything I have done for you!" I say deadly calm.

"Watch your tone when you are speaking to-"

"No! I am sick and tired of you treating me like a threat or a pion. I saved your sorry ass many times. I have sacrificed so much for all of you. You are the one that should be showing me some respect!" I say loudly still looking into his eyes.

Nobody makes a sound. They look at me and at Zeus. Wondering what will happen.

I am not that twelve year old boy anymore.
I am stronger and more experienced.

They don't have power over me.

Zeus stares at me with disbelief and anger.
But I don't care. I won't let him do this.

He makes a movement with his hand and guards are rushing to us. Two of them tackle me and pin me onto the ground.

Others are keeping my friends back. They call my name. But I can barely hear them.

The guards bring me onto my knees and hold me tight. I breath heavy.

I am still weak and injured.

"Brother. I don't think this is necessary." Hades says. Am I imagining this or does he look concerned?

I struggle and somehow I break free.

I punch one guard hard on his jaw and he falls unconscious on the ground.
The other reaches out and I judo flip him.

But in no time there are four guards surrounding me. I am too weak to fight. 
I try to hold them off but fail.

I was brought to the ground. My head pushed hard on the cold floor.

There is a flash of bright light.

When I look up I see a familiar figure standing beside me. I smile.


"Hey Percy. What are you doing?" His elegant voice asks.

"You know. Just hanging out. Talking to my beloved uncle." I say.

The guards let me go out of fear and Chaos helps me up.
He smiles softly and puts his hand on my shoulder.

"You? What are you-" Zeus asks agitated but slightly panicked.

Chaos snaps around and with a blink of an eye he is standing in front of Zeus.

I don't think I have ever seen him this angry.

"That is the most stupid question I have ever heard." Chaos says in a deadly tone.

"First of all. You dare to demand an audience with Percy as soon as he was awake. After he almost died saving you! Second. You dare to treat your heroes like that? You should be thanking them on your bare knees kissing their feet!" He says staring into the eyes of Zeus.
He looks very uncomfortable.

"But most importantly. You dare to forbid Percy of returning back home!" Chaos booms.

Zeus seems to shrink in his throne.
He opens his mouth to speak but Chaos raises his hand.

"You don't have the right! You can not hold him prisoner and ordering him around!" Chaos says. He shakes his head. "If it were up to me. I would never let Percy help you out again. You don't deseve him. But I am not like you. I let him make his own choices. We are done here."

Chaos turns around and walks to me.

"Want to get out of here?" Chaos asks.
I look behind him to the gods.

"One moment." I say. I walk forward.

"Just so you know. I will always be here to help. But you should seriously work on the way you treat those who help you. Reward those returning home from a quest. Praise the good work of your children. Say thank you when someone risks everything for you. It will keep them in the light." I say.
I turn around and head for my friends.

Chaos makes a portal and we return to camp.
I look back one more time and smile at my father.
As I step through I feel weak and tired.

We all sit down on the Chaos table.
A lot of demigods look at us in wonder and curiosity.

Chaos is like our friend. Not a boss.

"Percy. As I saw you being reunited with your friends I would like to make a proposal." Chaos says sipping orange juice in a wine glass.

"If your friends agree of course. You are free to offer them a job in your army." He says.

The lost hero returnsWhere stories live. Discover now