Chapter 14 {I'm sorry}

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I am sorry it took so, so long but it is finally here! Sorry this chapter is so short but it is for a good cause. I promise the next one will be much longer! 

Hope you enjoy!

Date: 11/9/19

Word Count: 1289

For the longest time she thought she was the only one. The only one cursed with what people called a "gift " she should be lucky to have. As a child she never understood what it felt like to be normal. She hated the constant stares of admiration and jealousy. If they knew they way she suffered, if the only knew the way she cried at night praying to whatever supreme being was up there to end the pain, if only they knew. She thought she was the only one.

However, staring at the scene in front of she was astonished. Screams of terror were sounded through out the arena as people ran in panic. People were crawling over each other to escape. The scene was utter chaos. And in the center of all this chaos stood Jyugo or at least who she thought was Jyugo. The menacing look in blood red eyes and the blades that replaced his hands, he was a total stranger to the girl, she had never scene this side of him before. 

Now the man standing a few apart from Jyugo. He was no stranger to the girl at all. Staring at him an overwhelming sense of hate and guilt pounded on Sakura. It had been years since she last saw him and seeing him now had brought a horde of emotions rushing at her. She prayed that he would not recognize her. She wouldn't be able to handle the deep undying remorse that she had blocked out from her mind for such a long time.

Her mind had traveled so far away that she didn't hear the shouting of her name from right beside her. "My Lady!" the familiar voice shouted once again. Finally coming to her senses, she noticed the Seitarou who was right at her side not that long ago has disappeared. Instead Alistair now took his place, looking at his leader with deep concern. "My lady come on we must get going!" he shouted at her once again.

"Alistair, what's going on". She demanded

"That friend of yours went insane, the stadium is being evacuated as we speak, my lady we must get out of here", Alistair spoke trying to remain calm but failing completely. His main worry was getting his leader to safety, if something were to happen to her he couldn't live with himself.

Glaring at him Sakura pushes past him, staring at the scene below. Guards surround the 2 inmates, furious flames licking at the walls defiantly creating marks. Each guard moved an attack of the inmates they proved futile against the inmate's powers.

Right now Sakura was in a state of conflict. Although Jyugo was her friend involving herself in this fight would be troublesome. There is no way she alone in her regular state could stand up to someone as powerful as the 2 experiments below. The only way she stood a chance of even landing a hit, it would mean she would have to reveal her power for all too see and she wasn't so sure she wanted to risk that. She didn't want to become what she once was, what those inmates once were, tests subjects to torn apart piece by piece and rebuilt again whenever they pleased. She couldn't risk it.

However all of her thoughts went out the window upon seeing her friends jumping into the pit of danger below. Her eyes widened as her teeth grinded together. Those idiots what are they thinking! Seeing them attempt to capture the armed inmate only made the pit in her stomach grow. Each inmate was thrown to the side like trash leaving Uno the only one standing, directly facing Jyugo. No, no, no! Panic set into Sakura as Jyugo lifted his blade up and Sakura knew where his target was. She couldn't let this happen . No, she can't lose someone else, she can't! 

"Buddy please", Uno begged his friend. He couldn't comprehend what was going on. Why was Jyugo acting like this? As Jyugo raises the blade above his head, a murderous glint rests in his eyes. No this couldn't be happening. He knew Jyugo was in there, he had to be!

"You're my friend aren't you!" he shouts just as the blades drives down. He closes his eyes waiting for the pain but shockingly nothing happens. He slowly inches his eyes open but once he catches sight of what is occurring in front of they immediately snap open wide.

"You idiot what were you thinking!" Sakura manages to shout out through the pain. Blood is splattered all over the floor as well as Sakura's arms, covering up the tattoo that wrapped itself around her arms, the red liquid now stains her jump suit. Her teeth are clenched together, struggling to hold the blade with just her bare hands. 

The sight in front of Uno shocks him to the core. Sakura had managed to intercept the blade from hitting him with her bare hands! Blood oozes out of her hands as her grip on the gleaming blades tighten. However blood wasn't the only think falling onto the floor. Tears stream down her pale cheeks as she struggles to hold her stance. "Are you crazy, are you trying to get yourself killed!" She shouts out, her vision blurred from the tears spouting out of her eyes like a fountain. "I know you may not think it but others care about, I care about you!", she chokes up in her speech and the blades begin to way heavy in her hands and Jyugo presses harder down one the skin. "I've already lost so much, I can't lose you too, you guys are all I have left!"

"Sakura", Uno manages to speak in shock, tears now cascading down his cheeks as well.

The female glares at the Jyugo, and slowly begins to lift the blade up. Her eyes are clenched up as she struggles to even lift her arms in the first place. "Uno I'm so sorry, please tell them I'm sorry", she whimpers out before pushing farther up along the blade. A newfound strength arising from her. "AGH!" she shouts out shoving Jyugo across the arena, barreling into the concrete wall. Dust and debris fly everywhere from the crash. But that isn't what shocks the people, but what is occurring to person herself.

Red lizard like scales creep up Sakura's body as bursts of flames surround her. Her pink hair is an untamed wild mess, flying everywhere. Sharp claws sprout from her nails, as the scales continue to grow all over her body. White horns with splotches of black curve their way out from her skull, curling near the tips as they grew. Her jump suit is torn in the back as a large tail spouts its way out of her back along with a large set of blood red and pitch-black wings. Opening her eyes, her once blue eyes were now a fierce gold, with her pupils now slits much like a snake's eyes.

The guards and inmates surrounding her were all in shock, they had never seen such a thing before. It was so unnatural. Such a thing only existed in fairy tale worlds, in cartoons and movies. Yet there it stood, wiping any disbelief that once stood, there in front of them stood a real life.... ..



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