Chapter 9 {Unhealthy Feelings}

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Before this chapter begins, I want to thank all of you for reading my book. 18K is a big deal to me and I wouldn't have been able to do it without you guy to support me, so I thank you all! I also want to thank all my followers as well, I would have never thought I would get past 10, but I did and you guys made it possible!

Also, for the tournament prize what do you think Sakura should ask for? 

Date: 1/20/19        Word Count: 2206

Sakura lay in the infirmary, bandages all over her body, trying to contain the bleeding that flowed like a waterfall. Her fellow inmates all sat around her, including Tsukumo, all obtaining worried expressions as their friend/crush lay on the bed, in a sleep like state. "Is Sakura-Chan going to be okay?" Nico asks the others, deeply concerned about the future state of the pink-haired beauty. "I don't know, hopefully she'll be fine", Uno responds to Nico's question, trying to put some calm thoughts into the green-haired male's head. However, his thoughts held doubt, what if she wasn't going to be okay? Her condition is in poor shape and she has been in this state for days. Her health, neither decreased or increase, it just remain in a coma like state, the same and it deeply scares not just him but the others as well. "I swear, once I find who did this, I'll make them wish they were never born!" Rock shouts in anger, thoughts racing through his head of what he would do to the person once he got a hold of them, not knowing the truth of the incident.

The males stayed by her side for hours, no guards or doctors there to kick them out for some odd reason. However, a few hours later their visit is cut short by barging in, punching all the of the inmates a top of the head. "What the hell, why can't you guys stay in your god damn cell!" the male growled out in anger. These inmates only had his paperwork pile gathering up every time they exited their cell without permission. "Oh, come on Hajime we just wanted to see Sakura", Jyugo says. "Yeah, we just wanted to see how the beautiful maiden was doing, a queen deserves a strong warrior to protect her", Tsukumo says dramatically, but his line was anything but his acting nature, his words were the truth. Sakura had been "attacked" as he as well as the others viewed it and she need to be protected at all costs. He would be her knight in dark armor, her shinobi warrior, maybe by doing so he could win her affections.

After his sentence was said, a glare is directed his way by the other males in the room. He, unlike the others, is shows his affection for Sakura very strongly,definitely not hiding his feelings. This was not the case for the others though, it's not like they were hiding their emotions, they just didn't tell one another about how they felt. They knew their feelings for the gangster grew faster than it should have, but for all of them it is love at first sight. Once they met the gangster, they instantly felt this attraction towards her, even during the time that she was constantly cold and rude towards them. Of course, they were enraged and upset by her behavior towards them before, it surprisingly didn't matter to them. Sakura is Sakura and if that was how she acted they were willing to expect it and try to work around it to get closer to her, but lucky after a few days of being with them she changed. She started being nice towards them, of course still stubborn and distant, they were lucky this new side of her. She is their friend and all they wanted for her right now was for her to be alright. 

"Stop making excuses, Seitarou, Yamato", Hajime says roughly, catching the attention of the blue and black-haired male's behind him. "Take these inmates back to their cell's, I have a meeting with the other supervisors" he says. "Yes sir!" Seitarou says nervously, scared of having to escort these criminals, having a terrible history with them. He sent a worried, concerned look at Sakura that lay on an infirmary bed, her eyes remaining closed, bandages covering her whole body of burn marks. The blue berry grabs ahold of the chains connected to the cuffs along with Yamato doing the same, leaving the infirmary with 5 inmates complaining and struggling to escape the handcuffs and get back to their spot next to the pink-haired female. 

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