Chapter 12 {Old Friends}

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Sorry this took so long, but it is finally here! I chose to write this chapter in a different style, please tell me if you like it or not

Also please anwser the questions at the bottom of the page. 

Word Count: 2337

Date: 7/10/19

They did not like this, not one bit.

This guy is way too friendly with Sakura and even worse he managed to get her to smile. Don't get them wrong they love when Sakura smiles, it brings them such life. However, they did not like it when they weren't the reason. Harsh glares are thrown Alistair's way if looks could kill Alistair would be 6 feet underground, the dark blue-haired male pays them no mind though.

"My lady please tell me you do not know these mewling, distasteful, belligerent, churlish children", Alistair says with his arms against his chest while glaring at the group of males in front of him.

"Hey!" Uno yells. "Well guess what I have no idea what those words mean so there", the playboy huffs childishly sticking his tongue out at the one-eyed man. In the background Sakura shakes her head in disappointment as she is being tended to by the male nurse from before.

"Sadly I do these, Alistair meet my cell mates, Nico", as she points at the green haired male, he makes a face and sticks his tongue out at Alistair. "Uno", she says pointing to the tall male with pink and blonde hair. Giving Alistair a glare, Uno flips him off. She then points her finger over to the large giant with purple and red hair. "That's Rock", in response the buff male cracks his knuckles together staring at Alistair intently as a dark cloud surrounds him. "And Jyugo", the black-haired male crosses his arm and rolls his eyes before glaring at the male with the eye patch.

"Knock it off all of you", Sakura growls at them in a stern voice, she then releases a sigh. "Such children", she mutters to herself putting a hand to her forehead while shaking her head. "I'm sorry Alistair, I don't know what's gotten into them", Sakura apologizes to Alistair, he shakes his head.

"My lady please calm down, there is no need to apologize for these children". Moving his gaze from Sakura to the group of males near the doorway, he gives them a closed eyed smile " they probably just need their binky's, or their diapers changed because of how much sh*t their full of".

Those words trigger the four inmates and soon enough Uno is trying to run towards Alistair but is being restrained by Rock, Nico and Jyugo. "Let go, I am about to beat this f**ker up", Uno growls out trying to rip his cellmates grip off of him. Suddenly he, along with his cellmates are hit on top of the head.

"That's enough out of all of you, I already have enough paperwork as it is, I don't need more on top of that because my inmates decided to start a fight", Hajime growls out, clenching his fist as he glares down at the four male inmates in front of him, all now with massive bumps on both their face and head.

The male inmates now all sit on the floor, all glaring at Alistair who smiles innocently at the group. Usually the dark blue-haired male wasn't one to instigate fights, in fact he usually is the one for peace but when it came to Sakura, he is her protector and something about her new roommates just rubs him the wrong way. Even though he had just met them he already has a great distain for them. Alistair is abruptly knocked out of his staring contest with the four inmates with a heavy smack on the back of the head. "Oww what was that for my lady?"

"As much as I love a good fight that's for instigating a fight, your injured wait until you've healed", Sakura scolds him. Though her words are not totally true, she knows that even if Alistair was injured, he could easily win a fight as he is a very skilled fighter while her cellmates had no rhythm at all. In truth she didn't want to see them get hurt and though she wouldn't admit it she did care for the idiots in front of her.

Gangster [Nanbaka] {Discontinued}Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang