Chapter 14: A Mentor

Start from the beginning

Harry watched your body manage to dodge almost every attack the twins made, your muscles flexing with every twist and with every punch. He took note of how your flexibility came in handy whenever you need to swerve an attack. You would make one decent pirate out in the sea. He thought.

The others would be commenting about the fight while Harry remained silent, focusing all of his attention on you. Uma noticed this and smiled at her first mate. Harry's blue eyes were looking at you like you were prey. He was judging the way you fought, noticing where you needed more work on and what you were strong at. Seeing you fight the twins felt different from seeing you fight Herkie that night he met you.

"You're eyeing her again" Harry glanced at Uma. She had her arms crossed over her chest, not looking at best friend. Harry glared at the playful smirk her lips held.

"I'm looking at her skills" Harry looked back at you.

"Whatever you say, lover boy" Uma hummed.

"I do not like her" Harry grumbled. "She doesn't like me either. We're only friends"

"Look, Harry, we've been friends for a long time now. You flirt with almost everybody, and you even flirted with me, but I know that you didn't mean anything by it" Uma turned to stare at her pirate friend. "But when you're with (y/n), I could see something different in you. You could tell me that I'm wrong, but what I think doesn't matter. What matters is what you feel. So think about that"

Uma turned back to stare at your fight. Harry did so as well, thinking about her words. You were dodging the twins' attack, the blue flames shining bright for a second. Their attacks were getting faster and more aggressive to the point that you couldn't keep up. You fell to the ground after being pushed down by Phobos. "Looks like we won"

"Damn it!" Your flames burst up, eyes turning red.

"Chill, (y/n)," Deimos smirked. "You were getting better"

"Not better enough" You glared, your flames dimming. "Melinoe could beat you guys in a second"

"Woah" Phobos raised his hand up. "Melinoe has ghosts and the power to create night terrors at her whim. Do you really think she could scare us?"

"I don't know, maybe you should fight her so we can see" You stood up.

"You're just itching for a rematch" Phobos glared.

"Oops. You caught me" You smirked, getting into a fighting stance. "What do you say? Round two?"

"You're on" Deimos cracked his knuckles.

The three of you continued to fight. Your flames rose up again. With every punch you threw at them, your flames grew brighter and hotter. Mal commented on your movements, giving you advice on how to control your flames. With every advice, you got a tad bit angry at her. It was like she was a reminder that you can't control your powers.

"Should you really be saying any of that?" Harry raised a brow at the purple-haired girl. "Ye turn into a dragon when yer using yer flames. That's way different than (y/n), here"

Mal didn't say anything in return. She continued to watch you in silence instead. Evie patted her back, reassuring that Mal's words were helpful. Harry scoffed, smirking when he saw you smile during your fight. The two of you shared a one-second glance, smiling at one another.

"Focus" Deimos sprinted toward you. "This is no time for distractions"

You frowned at what he was suggesting at you. The conversation you had with Eros and his mom filled your thoughts. A potential suitor. You knew that since you were born, your extended family loved to meddle with your life. Almost all of your aunts agreed on finding you a suitor, except for the GCA founders; Hestia, Artemis, and Athena. Hestia would often fight with Aphrodite over their views whenever you had a family reunion.

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