With the help of Annabeth I get up.
She helps me change my shirt and put on some shoes.

I am wearing black cargo pants and a black shirt and my sneakers.

I get to the bathroom and look into the mirror.
I have dark circles under my sea green eyes. My black hair is a mess. I spash some water in my face and brush my teeth.

I look in the mirror again.

Oh well. I shrug and walk back to Annabeth.
She smiles and gives me a hug.

"Let's go." I say. Breaking the hug and walking to the door.

I open it and step outside. It is a warm summer afternoon.
My eyes adjust to the sunlight.

I take a couple of steps and I hear my name being called by a couple of people.
"Percy!" Bianca yells. She runs over and hugs me.

"He is awake!" Leo calls to my team and my old friends. They look up and smile.

I hug Bianca back and when she lets go she has tears in her eyes. "We were so scared." She says while checking my face and bare arms for wounds or bruises.

"It's alright. I'm okay." I try to reassure her.
The others run to me. Other demigods also gather around.

"Hey man! Finally awake." Luke says smiling.

"How are you feeling?" Hazel asks looking concerned.

"I'm alright. Still a little sore and tired. But alive." I tell them.

"That was quite a performance you did up there." A voice says behind me. I turn around.

"You know me Chiron. I always put on a good show." I say grinning. Chiron is standing in his centaur form.
He gives me a hug.

"Percy. I know you are still recovering but the gods demand an audience with you tomorrow." He tells me.

"They demand?" I ask with a raised eyebrow.

"Yeah.." He says looking a little nervous at the sky.

I roll my eyes.

"Fine." I sigh. "But can I eat first. I am hungry." I say putting my hand on my stomach.

"Of course." He says stepping aside.

"Thank you." I say. "Oh and is my mom still here?" I ask.

"She is." A familiar voice says. I turn around and see her stepping from the crowd.

"Mom!" I say. She walks over to me and we hug for a while. I cry silently on her shoulder.

I honestly don't care what everyone else thinks of it. I missed her so much. "Mom. I am so happy to see you again."

"Me too sweetheart. Me too." She whispers with tears in her eyes. She lets me go. Her hands cup my face wiping away the tears flowing down my cheeks.

"Lets get you something to eat." She says. I nod and smile.

Her brown hair shows some grey. And her skin looks a little paler than I remember. But as long as she is healthy it doesn't matter.

We arive in the dining pavilion and sit down at the Poseidon table.

I order a cheeseburger and blue coke.

"Percy. That is not a decent meal." She says.
I look at her but she smiles. "Make it two."
I laugh and order another one.

We eat together. Just the two of us.

We talk about things like her finishing her school and writing her book.
About me working for Chaos.

"Percy. You make me so proud." She says smiling.

"Thanks mom. I am so proud of you too. I am so sorry that I wasn't there for you." I tell her putting down my burger.

"Don't be. Paul was there too. And besides. You needed this. And I am so glad to see you in a happy place." She says. "Not very safe though.. But you are happy with what you do. That is wat matters to me."

"Mom, you have no idea how happy I am to hear you say that." I tell her.

After eating my mom left for home and I catch up with my team and friends. They keep telling me how about me defeating all the giants.

"Guys.. please. I don't want to think about it for a second. Let's talk about something else okay?" I ask them after a while.

So we did.

Later that night I sat at the campfire. The campers began to sing the song we sang before the battle. I smile and sing along.

Later that night I went to bed back at the Chaos cabin.

Tomorrow I am having an audience with the gods.

The lost hero returnsWhere stories live. Discover now