FIFTY - SIX ✵ a bad time in the woods

Start from the beginning

And that's when it hit.

The uncertainty, the doubt. Her face fell as she quickened her pace. A heavy feeling of dread loomed over her. It hit her like a wave, she was drowning in it.

"What in the actual fuck..."

The leaves fell off the trees, like how the rain fell from the sky. Quickly and suddenly. The green grass beneath her feet dried up an ugly brown like it was stripped of its green locks.

Emperor Spriggan stood in the middle of the decaying woods. His eyes squeezed shut hands over his ears. He was screaming, yelling pleading words that Y/N couldn't hear. It was all the same, just long wails and screams.

Y/N couldn't blink. Her eyes refused to leave the sight in front of her. Her body wouldn't move, her feet wouldn't turn and run away. The only thing she could do was watch as dark purple and black mist flooded off the man with such force. It poured out of him, like a burst Autry, it bleed into the ground, sucking the life out of everything it touched.

Zeref felt his heart clench, his nails dug into the skin above his ears. Nothing could help him now, nothing could save him, he was alone, alone forever -cursed. He could feel it moving inside him, he could feel it smirk at him, he could hear it laughing at him taunting him.

The wind screamed at him to stop, the earth rumbled in pain as it's beauty turned to dirt.

Finally, Y/N felt a spark zap her. She took a step back, her right foot moved backward her white shoes crunching on the dead leaves.

Zeref screamed again.

Her throat was dry, her eyes too scared to leak out any tears. Maybe she was wrong, she was scared - this scared her.


It was like he heard the words leave her lips before she had the chance to move them. His eyes shot open, they were wide, frantic. Then he saw her. He felt his stomach turn, his heart fall out of his chest. He heard the curse laugh at him.

Not her, anyone but her.

"Y-Y/N..." Saing her name made his eyes water. "G-get away from m-me! Go- leave!"

A gasp left his lips as a crushing pain hit him. It felt like he had pushed all the air out of his system. He felt starved, his lungs begged for oxygen but he feared that with every intake and exhale he would kill everything around him. He would kill her.

So he held his breath, he ignored the feeling of his lungs burning, the scratching. He blocked out the sound of the wind picking up, the sound of dead leaves falling to the ground, the sickening cackles from the dark evil pouring out of him.


The tears that fell from his face was the only thing Y/N could see when his body was completly engulfed in the darkness. It glistened in the dark, the black energy flooding off Zeref and blended into the night sky. She couldn't see the tress anyone or the grass or the bushes - not like anything was alive anymore.

Y/N wasn't sure what she was doing but she didn't fight against her body when she felt the air around her change. Heat spread throughout her body, red mist flooded out of her, the air around her heated up while the air around Zeref froze.

Red and black pooled around them.

Throughout all the pain she had been through, all the struggles and the torture she wanted to help people. That was what Fairy Tail had shown her, the beauty of the world.

She wanted to help him.

So despite the screams and the black energy growing and growing, she ran towards him.

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