Our Lady of Holy Death

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After I help Mason out of the rubble, his body slowly starts to heal. It's definitely supernatural, but nowhere near my recovery speed, and he's not even awake yet. I picture a window appearing next to me, and the Dimensional Palace obliges, letting me get a good look of the battle between Daniel and Serena, and Darla.

The white-haired girl is something supernatural, there's no doubt about that, but I can't tell what. Is she another demon? If so, she's nowhere near the level of a prince of hell, since she's not half as strong as Belphegor. She's now standing on the ground, wielding many bits of her hair, transforming them into various weapons with which to attack her opponents. The area they're fighting at - the wooden beams - gives her an advantage, because it's hard for a non-physical threat like Serena to escape, forcing Daniel to protect her. She, in turn, protects him back, ordering Darla to miss every now and then. The whole reason she stopped holding herself upright is probably 'cause Serena could order her to let go, and she'd fall to her death.

"You're starting to get predictable," she mocks as Daniel jumps on tip of her. Her hair moves in his way, but he enters his shadow upon landing on it, then starts moving along its length. Darla slashes the bit of hair off with her hands, which now have claws on them, and Daniel is forced to jump out toward the nearest beam, which Darla predicts, so her next hit - a whip of hair - connects, creating a gash across the vampire's back. "That didn't even work the first time, so why'd you bother trying now?" She laughs wickedly, acting like the biggest cliche of a villain since Sauron. "It's clear neither of you has much experience. You can't beat me by moving around like idiots." Thin threads of her hair start flying through the air, slowly snaking their way around the whole area. She's trying to get full turd advantage against them, and they're doing pretty poorly even as is.

Then she does something absolutely reckless, and sends every last thread of hair toward Daniel. Before the attack can reach him, Serena screams, "To the left!" Just like that, the hair misses, and breaks into a beam instead. Daniel uses the chance to close the distance, aiming a clawed hit for the girl's throat.

Then, seemingly from out of nowhere, a boot slams into his face, taking him completely off guard. Two throwing stars appear in his shoulder, making him hiss in pain during his retreat. Suddenly, Darla isn't the only enemy there, and a red-hair girl is with her, one of her eyes covered by a patch. She's wearing all white, and has several weapons adorning her belt, the biggest of which is one of those long, pointy, needle-like swords. R something. Rapar? Something along those lines. I can't recall.

"I, Lyra the Snow Angel, have come to face you, villains." the ginger says dramatically, waving her arms through the air as if introducing herself to an audience. "I, who have been trained in the art of murder by the world's best assassins, have come to claim your lives. Rejoice, for your deaths will be in service of the Great Lord!"

Daniel and Serena stare blankly, and even Darla looks annoyed. "Would you stop being a fucking weirdo already? You're hard enough to work with as is."

Lyra offers a dazzling smile, putting her hand on her hips. "You are most amusing, Darla! I do believe I've just saved your life! How careless of you to leave yourself open like that!"

"I did that on purpose, you dolt. You were supposed to go for the kill. Why'd you kick him?"

Lyria doesn't reply, but her composure does drop just a little bit. Didn't think it through, huh?

"Nonsense!" she then says, taking a step forward. "Killing them when their guard is lowered would be pathetic." Oh, dear Lord, what kind of assassin is she?

"Just attack!" Darla snarls, and the ginger assassin obliges, moving forward with the same speed and grace as Sam. She draws her needle-sword, then aims it at Daniel. He dodges, but she keeps at it, moving as if the sword is a part of her. She may be an idiot, but she's not weak. I can't tell what she is, either. Human? She certainly seems to be.

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