*          *          *

   Lorena was visited by her handmaidens again that night, after a quick meal they gave her nightly bath and dressed her in another silken nightgown. Following that afternoon Lorena tried to ask them about themselves, but they gave short polite answers, as if uncomfortable, so she gave up.

   When they left she sat in an arm chair and thought about what had happened with Murtagh. She smiled to herself as she remembered what his consciousness had felt like, and wondered what would have happened if they had dared to delve deeper. She jumped as a hand touched her shoulder and turned to see Galbatorix standing over her. She had been so preoccupied with what happened earlier that she hadn’t noticed him enter the chambers.

   “Did you have a good day?” He smiled, revealing his straight white teeth. Lorena felt instantly sick, sure that he had found out about her wander through the castle. She nodded, not trusting herself to speak. To her surprise the King sat beside her.

   “How old are you?” she blurted without thinking.

   The King glanced at her before shifting his gaze to the courtyard. “Don’t you know it’s rude to ask someone their age?” Lorena bit her lip and lowered her eyes. “I’m one hundred and thirty three.”

   “How is that possible?” Lorena blanched, “You look so young yet are old enough to be my… great-great-great-grandfather.”

   If Galbatorix was offended by the statement he didn’t show it. “I’ve got many more years left.”

   “So it’s true that Riders become immortal.”

   “It is true. Shruikan and I will live on forever, and so will Murtagh and Thorn.”

   Suddenly feeling numb, Lorena wrapped her arms around herself. Murtagh is immortal. She had learnt from Eragon that dragons and their riders lived forever but she hadn’t been sure she believed it, now it was too much of a reality. She would unquestionably die in the next forty years, but Murtagh would remain. “It’s hard to believe that you can’t die.”

   “I didn’t say we can’t die. I said we’re immortal. Age cannot touch us, but a blade or poison can.” He reached out and tucked a wavy lock behind her ear. “If we don’t have wards protecting us.”

   Lorena ignored the gesture, “And you have wards?”

   “Of course,” Galbatorix laughed at her absurd question, “I would not have lasted as long as I have if I didn’t protect myself. All of my followers have wards on them too.”

   “Even Murtagh and Thorn?”

   “Definitely Murtagh and Thorn. I don’t think you realise just how important they are in the world I envision.” As if an afterthought he added. “You have wards too.”

   “Me?” she squeaked and examined her arms as if the magic may somehow be visible. “Since when? What are they?”

   “Since you first arrived. They’re nothing exciting, mainly to prevent your assassination. You’re not to be killed until I decide upon it.”

   Less than forty, she thought bitterly.

   When the King grew tired of their talk he stood. Lorena watched him, knowing what would happen next. She prepared for her usual fight—but right now, despite their talk—not even King Galbatorix could spoil the high she rode from seeing Murtagh that day.

*          *          *

   The following days were a repeating pattern.

   Lorena fought Galbatorix every morning and night and spent her days in the courtyard. The temptation to go into the castle and find Murtagh was almost overwhelming, but she managed to refrain. After her talk with the King she was frightened that he knew she had left the bedchambers and didn’t want to risk being caught outside.

   Instead she decided to exercise. The courtyard was big enough to run in so she spent her time stretching and running laps, then to cool off she would dangle her feet in the fountain. She spoke with her handmaidens whenever they visited and soon the women began to relax in her presence, they became willing to speak about themselves and even swapped stories and jokes.Murtagh—and what was happening to him—was constantly playing on her mind and she told herself that after she waited a while—so that the King wouldn’t suspect—that she could leave the chambers again, and go find Murtagh.

   Murtagh on the other hand didn’t have any free time. When he woke in the mornings he pushed Thorn off him and they ate breakfast before Murtagh went to the west library. He managed to lift the book off the table consistently on the second day and after that Galbatorix gave him other exercises, which he quickly overcame.

   In the afternoons he made his way to the training grounds and sparred against the new weapons master. The older man was no match for Murtagh, but he was hardened veteran who taught him a few tricks. Whilst travelling through the castle Murtagh happened upon few old friends and more old enemies. Though, with his new title of Dragon Rider and Right Hand of the King they all greeted him the same, with a polite bow. Once he would have been displeased with the change but now he didn’t mind, because no one argued when he hurried off without forcing niceties.

   He kept his eye out in the halls for Lorena, but didn’t manage to find her. Either they were unlucky enough not to perchance upon each other or she had decided to wait a while before roaming the halls again. For safety reasons he hoped it was the later. Between lessons Murtagh spent his time with Thorn, feeding the young dragon and bonding with him. He grew incredibly fast and when he finally reached a week old the creature was almost four times as big as he was when he hatched.

*          *          *

Authors Note:

I hope you enjoyed the chapter, originally it featured a conversation between Murtagh and Thorn but after completing it I realised that I made a mistake with the timeline—Thorn is not yet old enough to communicate—so you’ll get that later.

I don’t know why but for some reason I felt the need to write about the time I accidentally met Christopher Paolini, so if you’re interested you can check out the story on my account. It just details how and where I met him, our conversation, and what he threatened to do to me. Feel free to give it a read and see how much of a fangirl I am.

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