The Forgotten Backstory

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I turn around, eyes widening as I see the familiar sight.

"Nevile.. I swear I wasn't doing anything.." Hadrian started, only getting a glare from the older boy.

The other smirked. "I'm getting sick of you calling me Nevile.. I mean.. what a lame name... call me big brother or something alright?"

A shadow covered Hadrians eye's. 

It was true that Neville was his brother, and it was true that Neville wasn't his real name either. It was all part of one single lie..

Hadrian and.. his older brother were born into different families. Neville remembering his past life, Hadrian starting from square one.

His older brother and him had nice and caring parents. As Neville had explained it. When his older brother was explaining everything, all Hadrian could do was hope he'd remember. Hadrian had.. was pretty much a completely different creature then Neville was. While Neville was a high ranked demon, Hadrian was a Arkangel. Both sharing enough power to rip the world in half.

He hadn't learnt much from the teachers here in Foxfire, as.. he had extended knowledge of extreme magic and his physicial strength at the maximum.

So Neville had taught him to fly using his wings, taught him his history and.. most importantly.. compassion.

Even though he and Neville were both killers, that didn't matter. As long as he had him..

His killer identity was in fact the one and only, 'Enigma'. Everyone who had ever heard of the name was scared. He was second only to Voldemort.

Hadrian had wondered what Voldemort was doing now. Maybe plotting another mass killing? No.. he had been rendered defenseless when he had attacked him. The day his whole life turned upside down..

"Little brother, you have you're second game tomorrow

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"Little brother, you have you're second game tomorrow. You haven't slept for days. C'mon." His big brother said.

"Yea.. I'll sleep.. goodnight... Kako."

That night, his brother smiled a he let go into the darkness..


"Welcome everyone! To the second game of the tournament! All of our contestants are safe and sound... and each one of them have been training to their fullest!"

That was a lie.. he didn't need to train. He could kill the school school if he wanted to. But he didn't.

Daniel hadn't trained at all either. He'd been too damm 'busy' with 'school work' to train. He also made the excuse of him being too powerful, so if he did train, his weakest attack would destroy the whole building.

That was why Hadrian didn't ever train using magic. He trained his magic very.. very.. far away from any form of life. So.. they trained in the sky. Every time he went up and trained. He'd come back, his hair messier then before.

Kako had always laughed at that.

His older brother must of been happy to hear his name coming out of mine for the first time in ages.

The reason he chose the name 'Hadrian Riddle' as an alias, was because.. he wanted to strike fear into Voldemort. Enough torment so he'd attack him. He would have fun killing them all. But.. would he become the new dark lord? He would never know.

Kako had a hard time getting used to my new name. Ever since my deal was made with death, I kept getting memories back from my past. My real past.

And now.. I remember... everything. From my parents.. my village.. the different creatures. We were happy! Until those Angels and demons fought..

Our parents.. their names were.. Elizibeth and Meliodas. Or were they?

Their real names were.. Kaede and Izuru. Kaede was actually the demon.. and Izuru the Arkangel. History was wrong. There wasn't a Meliodas.. or Elizibeth.. nor were there four Arkangels.

It was complicated.. too complicated for humans to understand.

"We've completed everyone elses round.. and oh boy were they struggling? Can Hadrian defeat this mage.. or perish.. give it up for.. Foxfores top student.. Hadrian Riddle!"

His footsteps echoed through the halls as he entered the arena.

His name wasn't Hadrian..

Is was.. Akuma.

(Translate Akuma into english. It's from Japanese to English. 悪魔)

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