Let's Be Weird Together

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Everyone knows about how people are fighting for gay rights correct? Well heres my opinion on gay rights and other sexualities.
Ok so everyone is created equally when we are born. We don't know what we are until we grow up and find out more about ourselves. I am pansexual which means basically I like whatever's out there. Guys, girls, objects, you name it. Even animals! But everyone should be able to love whomever they fucking please. Yes we don't want to see a gay couple on the streets getting it on but still holding hands, kissing, hugging, is acceptable. Did we forget about the fact that we are all different but alike in one way? We are NOT perfect, and sadly no. None of us will ever be accepted by who we are. We will always be judged on what we wear, which music we listen to, what we look like, who we hang around with, and on practically every other personal trait about us and we'll be bullied by who we are. We might as well get comfy cause it's going to be like this for a long time.

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