This is What Makes us Skinny

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You hear the words Anorexia and Bulimia and your first image is a very skinny person with bones practically visible with a thin layer of skin.
If you have not already looked up the deffiniton of my username this is it ↓
Procrescophobia; the fear of gaining weight/ being over weight.
I am personally terrified to even gain a pound. Yes I have starved and purged before. I look in the mirror and see this huge person but when my 'friends' look at me I look 'skinny'. But it seems as if everyone has to be skinny in order to be perfect. Apparently if your 70 pounds then society and it's slaves will love you from top to bottom, and every one of your bones. Summing up society from part 1 you must be a "tall skinny girl who has long straight silky hair, no facial blemishes, thigh gap, long eyelashes, and the perfect wardrobe."
Literally 50% of that as to do with being slim. It's honestly pathetic how people will judge you on your weight when you could be the nicest person ever. This is what sucks is that people see you on the outside and think
"oh she's fat and I'm skinny we can't be friends" like no I've had overweight friends and I'm supposedly 'skinny' and we are great friends. Come on people it's about the fucking inside! You could be the most unattractive person on earth and have such a beautiful personality and I would personally be your best friend ever regardless of anyone's words. It's sad to see what this generation has come to.

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