Society Killed The Teen

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It all started kicking in during 6th grade. The depression, anxiety, suicidal thoughts.. Looking around a class full of pretty girls who have such nice clothes and friends. While I sit there in thrift shop shoes and passed down clothes. They give unwelcoming stares. And suddenly you realize it's getting harder to have, make, keep people in your life. You'll give up and do anything for them so they'll stay. But society always taught us to be perfect. Some mastered the art and some and or most of us struggle to become this tall skinny girl who has long straight silky hair, no facial blemishes, thigh gap, long eyelashes, and the perfect wardrobe. But we are born with imperfections you see. Our parents always told us "reach for the stars, achieve your goals." But unless your the lottery winner of a million dollars and is willing to buy a whole new wardrobe and get hair and face treatments then no, we will never accomplish perfection. Because unless your accepted by society no one will like you other than the clan of misfits and outcasts. I wish I myself could stop putting makeup on everyday before I go to school because I don't like my natural look, and for once not straighten my hair. Sadly that's not in the rule book of society. We can't be natural for a day because we need to look perfect in order to fit in. Unless we just all drop everything and die then neither will society.

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