Words leave scars

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1 out of 18 teens are suicidal and have or are self harming. Our generation consists of sad teenagers with nothing but fake smiles and blood on our wrists.
A lot of people ask,
"Why do you cut?" "Does it hurt?"
We all have our reasons for cutting. And it's not about the stinging of the blade running across your skin it's about the pain inside. We get so worked up on the inside and the pain bottles up that we hurt ourselves on the outside too. Sometimes we do this to punish ourselves. We do things wrong so we hurt and make us feel the physical pain. Others do this to fit in. So they don't feel like the outcast or left out. We all have our reasons for this action and no one should judge until they've done it themselves. Only some lucky ones recover, others don't make it to continue on suffering. As a fellow self harmer it's been hard. It really is. It's hard to stop, control, and end. I can't control mine and it's very difficult to stop. It seems as if it's a everyday thing now. Wake up, go to school, cut, eat, sleep, repeat. The longest clean I've been was 23 days. It seems so difficult to even stay a week clean. Yes it's not healthy or good but what I find upsetting that if I do live to have a future, what will my children think of me? Seeing me covered in scars. Will they think it's ok? That it's suppose to happen in life? It's terrifying.

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