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Chloe sighed to herself as she got to work. She stood from the ED with Lexi and frowned as she saw fletch and Natalie as they stood talking. She was worried. She knew he said that he was going to tell her the truth but she was worried and scared. Lexi looked to Chloe and smiled as she placed a hand on top of hers getting chloes attention and smiled "He said he was going to leave his wife" Chloe said as Lexi frowned "there does look to be tension although not end of marriage tension. Why did you have to get involved with a married man" Lexi asked as Chloe looked to her and sighed as she ran a hand through her hair and sighed "I don't know. He was my best friend and it just happened and I fell in love with him and it's so complicated" Chloe said as Lexi looked to her and smiled "I guess, it's going to be okay. You know that don't you?" Lexi asked as Chloe smiled

Chloe watched as fletch walked off into the staffroom. She sighed to herself before she followed him. She asked over to him and frowned "what is it?" She asked as he ran a hand through his hair and kicked a stool "I was prepared, to tell her the truth. To tell her everything and she tells me that she is pregnant" fletch said as Chloe looked to him and frowned "your kidding" she asked as he walked over to her and smiled "I wish that I was" he said as Chloe sighed "you had to sleep with her as well. I'm not blaming you I'm just pointing out the irony. Do you want to end it" Chloe asked as he asked over to her and placed a hand on her cheek and smiled "no, I don't" he said as he leant in and kissed her


Chloe sat in the staffroom as Lexi walked in. Lexi looked to her and smiled "are you okay" she asked as Chloe sighed "fletch is going to have another baby, I don't know if I can do it" she said as Lexi smiled "you don't need to" Lexi said as Chloe looked to her and smiled "I do, I love him and I have to" Chloe said as Lexi looked to her and frowned "why" "because I think that I'm pregnant and it's all a mess" Chloe said as Lexi looked to her and smiled as she wrapped an arm around her and pulled her into a hug "it's all going to be okay, don't you worry" Lexi said


Chloe sighed as she stood in he staff toilets and sighed as she held the pregnancy test that she had just taken in her hand. She sighed as she ran a hand through her hair and sighed. She didn't know how to feel over everything. She didn't know what to do if she was pregnant. After waiting she turned the test over and frowned as she saw it was positive. She sighed to herself having no clue over what she was going to do

Our secret affair (Casualty)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें