Twenty six

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Chloe walked into the living room and smiled as she saw fletch with Dollie and looked to then and smiled.

Chloe knew at things weren't easy when it came to them but she knew how he was trying. He was trying to be a good dad and be there for his daughter and she appreciated that

"are you okay" fletch asked as Chloe looked to him and smiled

"I'm okay I was just watching you both and I was thinking over us" Chloe said as he placed Dollie on her play mat and smiled as he walked over to Chloe

"oh yeah" he asked as she smiled

"I want to do it right this time I mean last time we had an affair and it was rushed and it was good, but it wasn't good. I want to do things right this time and we a family but I don't think your kids will like me in their life's I mean i am the whore that came between their parents" Chloe said as fletch smiled

"You were not but we can do this right and Natalie and I were done for a long time before you, you are not a whore" fletch said as he leant in and kissed her

"we can take it slow?" Chloe asked

"we can" fletch said

Chloe looked and smiled as lexi walked in and smiled

"so when are you doing back to work" Lexi asked as Chloe sighed

"in a few weeks. Fletch and I talked and we agreed that we are going to do things right this time. We want to do this right and his kids hate me now but Dollie is their half sister and I do want them to be part of her life" Chloe said as Lexi smiled

"it won't be easy but I know if anyone can do it then it can't you and fletch and you can make it to work. His kids will need time but it will be okay" lexi said as Chloe looked to her and smiled

"I hope that you are right as I just want to make it work and it's not going to be easy" Chloe said as Lexi looked to her cousin and smiled

"as long as you are happy then that's all that matters but it will be okay I promise" Lexi said as Chloe looked to her and smiled. Chloe hoped that she was right and that they could make things work as she couldn't help but worry that things weren't going to go well.

Chloe knew that she had to think positive and try and do things right with fletch, for their relationship

Chloe sat in the flat and looked to see fletch as he walked in as Dollie lay asleep on her chest. She looked to him and smiled

"are you okay" fletch asked as he leant in and kissed her as she looked to him and smiled

"I am I have just been thinking over us, over everything and I don't want anyone to come between us" she said as he smiled

"I know neither do I but I promise we will be okay and no one will come between us" he said as She smiled

Our secret affair (Casualty)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن