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Chloe stood outside of a private resus and sighed as she looked to see fletch and Natalie as they had their baby boy. Chloe looked to them and smiled. She had been through a difficult thing, and it wasn't easy, she had to deliver his and his wife's baby while she carried her own baby.

It broke her heart. Chloe stood watching as the adored over their baby and sighed as Lexi walked over to her and smiled

"this is only torturing yourself, you know he isn't going to tell her how. She had his baby. It's never going to be the right time but your going t o have his baby soon and it's not fair on you Chloe, I hate to see you like this. He won't tell her over you because he wants his cake and to eat it. I hate seeing you go through this" Lexie said as Chloe turned to face her and sighed

"and what am I meant to do? Act as if I'm okay . It's killing me lexi, it's been killing me for almost a year and I can't stop it and I can't help how I feel. I'm having his baby so I am with him in that way" Chloe said as Lexi smiled

"I know but you need to think over yourself and put yourself first, it's only fair" lexi said as Chloe nodded knowing that she was right

Chloe stood by reception as she stood filling paperwork out as she felt someone grab her arm. She looked to see fletch and smiled

"can we talk" he asked as she looked to him and sighed

"I don't think we have anything to say fletch, you have a baby. Congratulations" Chloe said as she walked off

"don't your having my baby too" he said as she looked to him and rolled her eyes "well it's nice of you to notice that fletch, I get that she is your wife, I do but I just feel as if your never going to do it, tell her the truth. You promised me you would and I don't think your going to" Chloe said as he sighed

"I am, I swear it's just not the right time now" he said as she looked to him and rolled her eyes

"it never is, is it. I am going to have a baby felt her, and you still want to keep it all a secret well it can't, it can't happen. I can't do it anymore" Chloe said as he grabbed her hand.

She pulled away from him and stormed off as he looked after her and sighed unaware of how Natalie lay in her hospital bed watching and had put it all together and how Chloe was the one he had the affair with him and not only that she was pregnant with his baby

Chloe stood in the staffroom as fletch walked in. She looked to him and sighed "we need to talk" he said as she sighed

"I'm not in the mood"

"Natalie knows. She saw us arguing and she worked it all out" he said as Chloe sighed to himself

"now what?"

"I'm leaving, I'm leaving the ED I need some space and I need to sort my head out" he said as she looked to him and frowned

"what, you can't. What about me and the baby" Chloe asked as he looked to her and smiled

"your going to be okay, it's not forever I promise" he said as he walked over to her and kissed the top of her head "please don't do this, I love you" Chloe asked. She was crying and she didn't want him to go

"I love you too chlo" fletch said as he walked off as Chloe fell to the ground sobbing.

She didn't know what had just happened but he had left and she didn't know if he had left her for good but for now it was just her and the baby.

Chloe knew there was a chance she'd never see fletch again and it broke her

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