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Chloe stood at the reception at work. She had been avoiding fletch since she had aborted their baby. She knew that she was in love with him and it killed her. The last thing that she wanted to do was fall in love with a married man with kids. Chloe smirked as she saw Iain who walked into the ED with a call out. Chloe walked over to him and took the file. Iain looked to her and smirked "I'm Iain, trainee paramedic" he said as she looked to him and smiled "Chloe fairhead, I'm a nurse" she said as he looked to her and smirked "nice to meet you, maybe I could take you out for s drink some time" Iain said as Chloe looked to him and smiled "yeah, maybe" Chloe said as she looked to him and smirked. She knew she needed to get a way over fletch but didn't know if Iain was the right way.

Chloe walked off towards reception where she spotted fletch who was looking at her and glaring. She walked over to him and sighed "so, you and the paramedic" he asked as she looked to him and rolled her eyes "you can't tell me what to do fletch, we are not together and we never were together" Chloe said as she went to walk off as he walked after her and grabbed her arm and pulled her to him "don't" he said as she looked to him with tears in her eyes "you can't tell me what to do, not anymore" she said as she walked off as he looked to her and smiled. Fletch knew he still loved her and still wanted her but knew he may of lost her for good.


Later that day Chloe sat in the staffroom and smiled as Charlie walked in "you okay?" He asked as she looked to him and smiled "I'm fine" she said as he walked over and sat next to her and placed a hand on her thigh. She sighed to herself as she buried her head into his arm and he hugged her "Zoe told me about the abortion, you should of told me" he said as Chloe looked to him and smiled "I couldn't, I was scared" Chloe said as Charlie smiled "are you okay?" Charlie asked as Chloe looked to him with tears in her eyes and smiled as Charlie hugged her "I will be though" Chloe said.


Later that day, Chloe stood with fletch later that day as they worked on a patient. He looked to her and smiled "I'm sorry, I'm sorry for hurting you Chloe. It's the last thing that I ever wanted" he said as she smirked. She finished off with the patient and walked into the staffroom as he followed her. He frowned as he saw that she was crying and walked over to her and hugged her as she sobbed into hugs chest as he held her close "I'm in love with you fletch and I hate it, I hate this and I hate what we have done" Chloe said as he looked to her "I love you too" he said as she went to walked off.

Fletch grabbed her hand as they both looked to each other and smiled. "I feel the same" he said as Chloe looked to him and smiled as she walked over to him and placed A hand on his cheek and smiled as she leant in and kissed him before she walked off. Leaving fletch looking after her wondering if he could resist it all for her.

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