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Chloe sighed to herself as she walked into work. She smiled as she spotted her uncle Charlie who stood by reception. He walked over to her and smiled "Chloe, you look terrible" he said as Chloe looked to him and smiled "thanks for that" she said as he chuckled "i mean you look tired" he said as they walked into the staffroom. She looked to him and smiled. She slipped on her nurses uniform over her vest top and Charlie looked to her and smiled "what?" she asked "nothing, im just proud of you that's all" Charlie said as Chloe looked to him and chuckled. She walked over to him and kissed his cheek "im not going to mess this up, trust me" Chloe said as he nodded. Chloe walked into the cubicals and smiled as she spotted Adrian Fletcher. Chloe and Fletch had both starting working at Holby ED at the same time.

Fletch looked to Chloe and smiled to her "you okay?" he asked as she ran a hand through her blonde hair and smiled to her "im fine" she said as he moved over so that he was standing behind her "rough night?" he asked as she looked to him and nodded. "you know that you can tell me anything?" he asked as she looked to him and smiled "i know fletch, can we go for a drink later. i could use it" Chloe siad as he looked to her and smiled "sure" he said as she smiled.


Chloe walked into cubicals and sighed as she looked to fletch who slammed a phone down. She walked over to him and smirked "what's up with you?" she asked "Tess has left me in charge. i cant get a hold off the new nurse, Rita who is meant to be starting today. its a good job i have you" Fletch said as Chloe looked to him and smirked "well, i am amazing" Chloe said as she brushed a loose strand of hair behind her ear as she sent blood up to the lap as Fletch looked to her and smirked "you are" he said as he looked to her and smiled.

He looked to the files and sighed "let me help you" he said as she took a file from him and placed a hand on top of hers and as he grabbed her hand and smiled to her. Chloe sighed to herself as she walked over to a patient and sighed. She couldnt help but be hit with the thought that she felt something when fletch touched her hand. She sighed as she tried to clear her head. She knew it was nothing, he was happily married with three kids. Chloe knew that nothing could happen between them.


Chloe sat in the pub with fletch later that night. He handed her a drink and sighed "so, how's your day as senior nurse?" she asked as he chuckled "hard, i didnt realise how hard" he said as she chuckled. "what's going on with you, is it the scum of an ex bothering you again?" fletch asked as Chloe sighed "yeah, he cant take no for an answer" she said as he placed a hand on top of hers and she smiled "hey, i know away to cheer you up what did the zero say to the eight, nice belt" he said as she looked to him and chuckled "your jokes are terrible" she said as he rolled his eyes "can you do better?" he asked as she sighed "okay, a ham sandwich walks into a bar and orders a beer, the bartender says, sorry we don't serve food here" Chloe siad as Fletch looked to her and laughed "your almost as bad as me" he said as she smirked. "maybe i am" she said smiling.

Fletch lead Chloe to her cab and smiled "thanks for tonight" she said as he looked to her and smiled. "don't worry" he said as he leant in to kiss her cheek but her lips, He looked at her for a moment before he leant in and kissed him. Chloe didnt pull away but felt into the kiss. She kissed him back for a moment as the kiss got tender, yet more passionate. She placed a hand on his cheek and pulled away and smiled to him as she wiped his lipstick off of his lip "good night fletch" she said as she got into the cab. He looked to her and smiled as he closed the cab door "night Chloe" he said as the cab drove off.

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