Lily: You get yours later. Besides, that isn't even your wife. 

Tai: yeah... You're right... Sorry. 

She lets him down and Zwei ran over and licked Summer's face. 

Tai: even Zwei!

Lily: he gets a free pass. 

Tai: ....


(Author: I'm struggling to add more. I'll be lucky to get over 600 words.) 

A few hours later Jade and Ruby are sitting in their room. He was staring at her with his arms crossed. 

Jade: You were planning on leaving with the remnants of team JNPR in a month. 

Ruby: no....

Jade: Don't lie! I saw the text in your scroll! 

Ruby: you went in my scroll!  

Jade: That's not the point. You were planning on leaving without telling anyone, not even me. I can't believe you would do such a thing, Ruby. 

Ruby: I know you wouldn't want to come! 

Jade: of course I'd come! I won't let you leave to go and do who knows what with Nora and Ren!

Ruby: wait. What about Jaune and Pyrrha? 

Jade looked away with a sad expression. 

Jade: Jaune... Jaune was killed defending some children from a big group of Grimm. Pyrrha was forced back home by her mother and medics. She's safe in Argus.

Ruby: Are you and Lily, okay?

Jade: of course we are. We're strong, we have to be for the ones around us. 

Ruby: Jade, sit. Let YOUR feeling out for once. you're always worried for others, take care of yourself. Come here!

He sighed and moved to his bed and sat down. Ruby gives him a hard glare. 

Jade: ...fine. 

He got up and switched beds. Ruby forced him into a lap pillow. He was a bit sad as he did want to do this with Pyrrha but never got a chance as he was always too embarrassed. 

Ruby: now, tell me, Jade. What's on your mind. 

He was hesitant to answer.

Jade: ...fine. It just feels like whoever gets close to me or Lily dies or gets seriously hurt. 

Ruby's expression shoots into a surprised look. It seems like she's dealing with something outside of what she's usually asked. She wasn't sure what to say. 

Ruby: that's not true at all!

Jade: but it is!

He sits up he backed away. 

Jade: it's too true. First, my fake parents die. I come to Beacon, You get your eye cut out, Yang losses an arm, Pyrrha gets hurt, Jaune died, Blake was stabbed, and we don't even know where Penny 2.0 is! 

Ruby: Jade-

Jade: no. I think it would've been better if I stopped talking to people. Nothing good ever comes out of talking to me. 

Ruby: Jade! The amount of times you've saved me and everyone else from things that were out of anyone's control is crazy. Don't think just because you were there it made things worse. Pyrrha would've died if we didn't help. Blake and Yang would've died if you didn't find them. Can't you see! A lot of people would not be alive to this day if you never became Spider-Man or were born!  

Jade just sits up taking his eyes to his sister. 

Jade: your right. 

He smiles at her. 

Jade: sorry about that. That's been on my mind for some time. I'm better now. 

Ruby: if your fine! then give me and hug! and forty curls from the ceiling! 

Jade: fine. 

He laughed a little and gave Ruby a long hug. 

Jade: do I still have to do the curls?

Ruby hums then let go of him. 

Ruby: Hop to it!

He rolled his eyes with a smile and got off the bed. He stood in front of her bed then got into a crouch. 

Jade: it's been a while since I've actually used my powers!

He jumped up turning upside down attaching to the ceiling. He dropped his black shirt and started doing them with ease. 

Ruby: was it necessary to get rid of your shirt?

Jade: yes... I can't work out properly without taking it off.   

Ruby just rolled her eyes and jumped up to the ceiling.

Ruby: I can't neglect my strength, too.

Jade: you won't take off your shirt, right?

Ruby: of course I won't!

End of chapter 1 volume 4  

Spiders Mark [discontinued]Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz