Memory Two

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Memory Two:

I got home from school going down the steps of the bus trailing behind Zayn and Harry like a lost puppy. Zayn had come to hang out with Harry; they do this literally every day… Except today since it was the first Friday of the month they were having a little hang out with a couple of friends. That’s how their months’ work out. The first Friday of the month they have a hang out, the last Friday of the month they have huge party. Everybody who’s usually invited to their party looks forward to them, while the people who aren’t invited would do anything to get invited.

The nerdy girls always change their looks and run behind Zayn’s and Harry’s heels crawling for mercy to get invited to their end of the month parties; it’s a pity to watch girls do that. But, I know that if I was a girl, I’d do the same thing because I would die to get a chance to be in the same room as Zayn. Luckily for me, I don’t have to do that, because I get a free pass to the parties with the price of getting excluded, but whatever… it floats my boat, so I’m fine with it.


Zayn and Harry tided up the garage and stocked up the mini fridge with beer bottles. I sat in the living room couch in my Game Boy; yes I still had a Game Boy. I’m not very fond of the Nintendo DS. As I played on my Game Boy, I watched about ten people pour into the house and head to the garage. I smiled at them and gave a bright smile as I saw Louis and Niall; they smiled curtly and followed the others.

[[[ A/N: Please play the song to the right for more """effect""" :) ((The song is Better In Time - Leona Lewis)) ]]]

As I heard the music start inside and the laughter and chit chat grow louder. That feeling of being excluded begun yet again and I bit the inside of my lip and stared intently at my Game Boy screen… My bottom lip trembled and my tiny 15 year old hands started to tremble slightly because I felt so sad. I was fifteen and I didn’t even have a person I could consider my “best friend.” You’d think I’d get used to it because it was the same thing in the orphanage, but it got worse when Harry adopted me because well Harry has more than a zillion people he can consider his “best friend” and a zillion more people dying to be considered his “best friend.”

I heard the garage door open and someone head to the kitchen to get something. Then, I heard foot steps head toward here and then whoever it was, sat down next to me quietly. I didn’t look up, I didn’t know who it was and I didn’t care. I stared at the small Game Boy screen even though I could barely see it because of my unshed tears making the screen look blurry. I was proud of myself for not having let a tear drop yet because by now I know I would’ve.

I felt a big, comforting hand get placed on my thigh and give it a comforting squeeze.

“Hey,” I could recognize that velvet voice anywhere, it was obviously Zayn’s, “Hey, Liam are you alright?”

I sighed to myself silently and didn’t reply.

Zayn lowered his head so he could see my eyes, but I lowered mine as well.

The Game Boy made a sad sound and it had the words “GAME OVER” spelled across it in red. I threw the Game Boy across the room and groaned. My fist clenched and so did my jaw. I felt pissed off. About everything.

Zayn grabbed my hands and forced me to look at him. I lowered my eyes trying to avoid his intimidating look.

I put my knees beside my chest and bit my lip. I looked down at my knees and didn’t dare look at Zayn.

“Liam?!” Zayn asked me loudly.

“WHAT?!” I looked at him the tears then poured down my cheeks. "WHAT?! WHAT DO YOU WANT?!"

I knew this very well myself; all this crying wasn’t about being excluded from this party anymore. This crying is from all the pain I’ve had bottled up for all these years… I just didn’t expect anyone to be beside me, while I let it all out… I wasn’t meant to be crying in front of Zayn, this wasn’t what was supposed to happen. I was supposed to go to my room shut the door, lay in my bed, my face placed in the pillow and I would cry as quietly as possible so Harry wouldn’t hear me. Or maybe I’d be taking a shower and crying under the loudness of the shower hitting my body… But, instead here I was crying in front of Zayn…

“Liam,” Zayn said with a soft voice, “What’s wrong?”

I looked up from my knees and gave him a cold look; my throat felt like it was clogged up, “Why do you care anyways?” I said hoarsely. I blinked trying to get rid of the blurriness, but that just caused more tears to come down and roll down my eyelashes.

Zayn looked down at his hands and fiddled around with his fingers, “Because I care,” 

I scoffed, “Yeah, just like those other families used to say,” I said lowly. I rolled my eyes and clenched my fists. 

Zayn gave me a confused look.

I whipped my tears and hugged my knees to my chest, “Just go off to your little party and have fun,” I gave him a weak fake smile.

“No, not until you tell me what wrong,” Zayn looked at me not letting his eyes go anywhere besides my face.

All those thoughts of feeling worthless just poured down on me and I started crying harder. It felt like I couldn’t breathe… But, it happens mostly every day… The tears rolled down like a waterfall, my sobs got louder and more hysterical. Zayn probably thought I was crazy by now... 

Zayn scooted over close to me, and hugged me to his chest. I didn’t protest, instead I let all the tears out. It was as if I was kitchen rag and I was being wringed till every last drop was out. Zayn’s muscly arms wrapped around me protectively. He started playing with my hair and rubbed his hands up and down my arm... I felt as if I was never going to get hurt again… It felt very nice. It felt comforting. I felt loved…


Loved… That’s the only word that can describe everything I feel for Zayn… That was the first day I’ve ever cried in front of anyone… And the day I realized I didn’t just have a petty little crush on Zayn… It grew to be something more than that…

- - - - - -

A/N: So, poor little Liam had a break down... and Zayn came to the rescue. Please, keep in mind that that was a memory :) So, yup, Liam, Liam thinking he's in love :) Thanks for all the lovely comments in my last chapter! :D I'm sorry I updated so late, I've been working on schooool and trying to get a life.. But, yeah thanks for reading, commmeting, voting and/or fanning. ♥ 

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