Memory Seven

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Memory Seven:

I remember the first time I got invited to the cabin. It was like a life goal for me. Hard to admit, but it’s true. When the Styles’ adopted me, Harry would always tell me about how they always went to the cabin on winters and summers. He told me that all of their best memories were made in the cabin. He would tell me about all the times they stayed up and told scary stories in the dark and how they would drink hot cocoa in the fire and watched as it snowed… He told me about such memorable things that I kind of filled up with envy; I wanted to make memories too…

Every time the boys went to the cabin there was always a reason for me to stay back home alone… Either I got sick or something else, it truly sucked. But, this year was different. I actually got invited… but it was all thanks to Zayn.


I was in the living room playing on my Nintendo and Harry was on the phone while Zayn was munching on some Oreos and I overheard Harry on the phone.

“Are you serious? …I can’t wait! Yes. I bet he’s up for it… Mhmm… Yeah… Yeah… I’ll pack up today…. Okay… See you tomorrow, Lou!”

“Who was it?” I heard Zayn ask.

“Lou,” Harry replied.

“What’d he say?”

Harry smirked, “It’s that time of year again!”

Zayn took a while to reply as he proceed his thoughts, “Oh… Cabin?”

“Yeah!” Harry said excitedly, “For tomorrow!”

“Um… Is Liam coming this year?” Zayn wondered out loud.

My eyes burst open and I bit my bottom lip while crossing everything that was crossable… Please, please, please God, please let me go!

“Um… I suppose if he wants to and he’s not sick,” Harry replied.

I let out a sigh of relieve and uncrossed everything and pretended like I was still playing my Nintendo.

“Liam?” Zayn asked coming out of the kitchen and standing in the end of the sofa.

I looked up and acted confused, “Yeah?”

“Wanna come to the cabin with us?” Zayn asked smiling.


“Please?” Zayn tugged at my feet and brought his bottom lip out in attempt of a puppy face, “Harry agreed. C’mon please!”

I sat up and put my hands over Zayn’s which were on my legs. I acted as if I was pushing Zayn’s hands off, but I didn’t even attempt to push them instead I was just placing my hands on top of his. Zayn turned his hands and held mine while looking into my eyes intensely.

“Please, Li?” Zayn’s fifteen year old eyes begged.

I enjoyed Zayn’s soft hands against mine, squeezed them and smiled, “Of course,”

Zayn smiled brightly. He jumped over on top of me and hugged me, making me go from my sitting up position to a lying down and being squeezed. “Weepeee! It’s going to be so much fun!”

“C-C… C-Can’t… Breathe…” I managed to choke out.

Zayn stood up and helped me up. “Go pack!” Zayn smiled excitedly.

My first cabin trip was very weird, but fun! It was barely a week in the cabin, but it was still fun. I got to room with Niall, he’s a pretty chill guy, doesn’t do much. He just watches soccer games, drinks, eats and repeats the process. He’s drama free and that’s all that matters.

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