11. Sharing

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[ A/n-  This chapter contains Lemon/ NSFW/ smut. Please read slowly and enjoy ^_^ ]


"I need two absolutely clean rooms for the night", Levi said in a monotone. The person's expression suddenly showed slight fear.

"I-I'm really sorry, sir. Since the scouts have got two days off, most of the rooms have been taken. Only o-one room is l-left", he said. 


Your heart skipped a beat after hearing the counter person's statement. 'Surely, Levi would go to some other hotel. He wouldn't share a room with me, right?',  you thought, biting your lip nervously. He glanced at you.

"Tch, fine. Give me the key", he said with a straight face and held his hand out the for the key. Your heart started beating loudly and your face flushed red. The person on the counter sighed with relief and handed him the key. The counterman turned to smile at you but you were not able to look above the ground. After staring at the ground for what seemed like years, Levi's voice brought you back to life. 

"Hey brat, when will you start walking?", he asked you, staring right into your eyes. You nod shortly and started following him. Your knees felt weaker with every step. 'Holy fucking shit. How am I supposed to share a bed with him?',  you thought.

Levi knew exactly what you were thinking but he still managed to remain calm. You two silently walked to your room, which was on the third floor. After climbing the staircase, you finally reached your room; Levi used the key and opened the door slowly.

 The door revealed the best room you had seen in your whole life. The floor and walls were made of wood with a queen sized bed in the middle. There were two side tables on the sides of the bed, each having a night lamp on them. There was a big cupboard in the corner and a bathroom door beside it. There was a balcony too, which gave you a good look of the city; it was separated from the room by a big sliding glass door. The room was certainly very clean, just like Levi wanted. You stared at the room in amazement. It was so beautiful, so luxurious. You got inside and walked towards the balcony; the city looked amazing at night from this height.

 You were bought back to reality when the sound of the door locking rang through out the room. You turned around to see Levi leaning against the door with his back, staring at you. You nervously fiddle with your thumbs and look at the floor. Breaking his stare, he slowly walked to the other side of the room and you silently watch him. 

He removed his jacket and untied his cravat, revealing the hottest neck in the whole world. Your jaw dropped a little as you watched your handsome captain take off his jacket and cravat. You had never seen him without those; many times you even forgot that he had a neck, since he always hid it with a cravat. His shirt was tight and you could get a brief outline of his strong arms. All you wanted at that moment was to taste him, to lick his neck and bite it. Levi felt something weird and turned around, catching you staring at him. You blush heavily and start looking fixedly at the bed. 

"I-It's okay, I can sleep at the floor", you said because you thought he would've  been a little creeped out by your gazes. Levi sighed and walked towards you. Your heart beat increased with his every step. You started stepping back when he got too close, but unfortunately, your back bumped into the wall and you couldn't move further away. He still kept coming close. You look up at him; he was way too close now. He put one of his hands on the wall behind you and you felt trapped between the wall and him. Levi was so close now that you could feel his body heat radiating. His hot breath met yours somewhere in the gap between you. 'Oh god. Oh my god. What is he doing?',  you asked yourself desperately. You were not able to look up at him, so you kept looking at the wooden floor. 

My Needy Captain  [ Levi x reader ]Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon