4. Life In Underground

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[ Flashback !!! ]

( Underground City )   { you were 12 years old }

You sang another beautiful song you had heard somewhere. The people around you were impressed and dropped some coins in the bowl in front of you. You were singing your songs by the road as usual, to earn some money. At the end of everyday, you managed to get enough money for 2 loafs of bread, one for your mother and one for yourself. But you had to save money for your father's drinks too, or else he would kill you. You had tried multiple times to convince your father to stop drinking, but he won't change. The only reason your mother kept you was because you had a melodious voice which helped in earning money, otherwise, she would've abandoned you.

Today, an old lady had been standing near you for 15 minutes, listening your songs. She looked very impressed. 

" Oh honey, you are so talented! Who knew someone in this filthy city could sing so good" she said, bending a little and looking at you with admiration.

" Thank you, miss" you said, smiling.

" I wish had some money to give you but I forgot to bring my wallet. Instead..." she said absentmindedly and looked through her bag for something. "Ah! here it is" she exclaimed and pulled out a something shiny. It was a locket. It had a very thin chain and the red crystal heart at the end of it. The heart was shining brightly under the lights. You had never seen something shiny so closely. 

"It's the prettiest thing I've ever seen" you said with sparkling eyes.

"Now listen, it's not any normal locket. Give this to someone special and they will always be with you. Forever & always " she said in a hushed tone. 

"R-really?" you asked her with astonishment. You didn't believe her, but you wanted to. 

" I swear I'm not lying, I don't think it's of any use to me. But you are a young girl and you might require this in your life later. Keep it as a reward of your singing. You've earned it" she said firmly, smiled and placed the locket in your hand. You looked at it in awe. It looked expensive. Things like this were rarely seen in the Underground. You felt like your life was about change, as if you were about to leave this rotting city and live an amazing life. You could feel a ray of hope passing through your mind. The idea of living a good life with someone special seemed so good. After all, you have never been loved by anyone. You put the locket in your bowl and continued singing when you realized that the old lady was no longer visible.


By now, a lot of time had passed so you decided to wrap up and meet your mother. She used to make small baskets and sell them on a different street. You saw that today, not a single basket had been sold. Which meant that you had to sleep hungry for the 4th time this week. You looked at your mother with pity, she looked thin, pale and weak. Suddenly, you changed your mind. 'I don't care about his drinks. I've earned money with hard work and I'll use it for mom and myself. Why should I waste it on some shithead's drinks?'  you thought angrily and went to buy some bread with the money you had earned.

When you came back with food in your hands and no money, your mother gave you a scared look. "Are you insane?!" she almost screamed, "your father will kill us if he sees us alive without money."

"I don't care mom. We haven't eaten anything for days! I feel like I'm about to faint. You should take a look at yourself too" you shouted back. Suddenly, she slapped you out of anger. Now, tears started filling up your eyes.

"Is food more important than living?" she said and took you home. "While I try to apologize to him politely, keep your mouth shut for my sake" she said in a monotone. When you reached home, the smell of alcohol reached your nose. You hut always smelled of alcohol. Your father was sitting on his everyday chair. He looked up when he heard the door open and closed.

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