"Sometimes, You need to lie to give hope." Reborn said. Good Thing Hayato stay outside of the house so he didn't heard what Reborn nor Tsuna said.

"I see, But you'll crash his hope in the end." Tsuna said in worried.

"No it won't." Reborn said.

"In this time I don't trust you with that." Tsuna said and Reborn look at him like he was doubting Reborn capabilities.

"Your doubting me?" Reborn said

"Yes. Its clear that Yoshi won't accept Gokudera-san. " Tsuna said. Tsuna felt a presence so he quickly end the conversation. "But I won't do anything." Tsuna said and hurry up walk out of the house.

In that moment Nana just walk down stairs. "Ara~ Reborn Good Morning." Nana greeted

"Good Morning Maman." Reborn said

And Nana said she'll make a breakfast for the three of them.


Tsuna went out and still see Hayato was there with an irritated look. "You know if you don't want to be with me its OK. I'm gonna be fine anyway." Tsuna said gently.

"Tsk, I keep my word to Reborn-san." Hayato said.

Tsuna sigh and smile sincerely. They start walking in peace towards the school. Until, in the way there are a bunch of Students block Tsuna's way.

"Oh? It isn't Dame-Tsuna?" One of them said and Smirk.

"Yes, yes, Its been a while since we play with you little one~." another one said.

Tsuna just look at them emotionlessly

"You should say something or else, This fist of mine will be on your face." Another said.

Tsuna didn't do anything and just look at them.

"O well." The other said and was about to Punch Tsuna on the face. Tsuna close his eyed waiting for the impact but it never came. He open his eyes and saw Hayato stop the fist.

"You better stay away from Juuidaime's Clone." Hayato said.

"Or what?" The other said. Hayato smirk, the fist he was holding- he uses that to send the owner flying to the wall. He got his dynamites and showed it to them. They then paled and run away.

"Where did you pull those out?" Tsuna asked looking at Hayato. 😐

"Tsk, None of Your Concern." Hayato said and walk ahead of Tsuna.

"OK, Thank you though. " Tsuna said and smile.

Hayato was surprised to see that Smile. He don't know but he felt something warm from the inside when he saw that. He got annoyed and walk fast in front of Tsuna but make sure he is also close to Tsuna in case of Trouble.

Tsuna smile seeing Hayato's Back. "Yoshi is lucky to have someone as loyal as him." Tsuna thought.

When they reach the school, Hayato was surprise where Tsuna head first. It was the D.C room.

"Gokudera-san, Is it OK if you go ahead to class? I'll just talk to Kyoya with some thing. I'll be fine anyway since Kyoya is here and this is The Disciplinary Committee's room anyway. Nothing would happened here." Tsuna said and assured Hayato who hesitate at first but he knows that D.C members are highly disciplined People specially their Leader Hibari Kyoya who is known in the school as Demon Prefect and everybody feared him. Though he saw Tsuna was calm standing infront of D.C room.Most people will shiver in fear, but Tsuna is here like the room is just a normal room which isn't.

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