Chapter 15: Black Wedding

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~Destiny's pov~

I can't believe he proposed! Nearly 5 years of just dating and now we're a month away from the wedding. I'm 27 years old and I'm marrying the best rockstar of all time. And I couldn't be happier. Everyday with Jake is like being in pure bliss. And to top it off, I'm pregnant with our first child. He wanted to get married before the bump was visible. And it's Halloween season. Our favorite time of year.

I've already gotten my dress, a beautiful black and white princess dress with a sweetheart neckline. I'm only a few weeks along but he's just so excited to share the world of music with his son or daughter. Despite the fact once we get back from the honeymoon he'll be on tour for a couple months... I just hope it's not too long before the baby comes.

"Babe come on its time to go. You're gonna be late to the ultrasound."

"I'm coming. And what happened to 'we're gonna be late?' Mr. Pitts?" He Hayes it when I call him that, because we're not officially married yet.

"Because it's about you and our baby. And we're not even married. So stop calling me that."

"Just wait until you're up at 3:00 in the morning changing diapers."

"I'll trade for feeding him."

"Men don't produce breast milk. I'll be feeding her." He's determined the. Baby is a boy. But I want a girl so badly.

"Are you breast feeding? Doesn't that hurt?"

We were in the car on the way to the ultrasound by this time.

"I mean... I guess so... but it helps with the bonding. I'm sure their first word will be dada."

~at the ultrasound~

"Well Mr. and Mrs. Pitts your babies are doing fantastic . Are you taking your primatial vitamins?"

What? Babies? We're having twins? Me and Jake locked eyes in shock for a minute.

"Jake always makes sure I take them. But babies? As in twins? Are you sure?"

"Sometimes the other baby hides behind it's brother or sister. But these two are right next to each other. Congratulations. In about 9 more weeks I can tell you the sexes. Or do you want that to be surprised?"

"I... uh..."

"Tell us. Please." Jake spoke up for me... he's so adorable.

"Alright. Next ultrasound I will let you know the sexes. Here's your sonogram."

She hands me the picture and my eyes instantly filled with tears of joy. Sure enough, two babies.

~back at the house~
~Jake's POV~

Twins! We're having twins! I couldn't be more ecstatic. We were on the couch cuddled up with Ernie on her lap. She's been quite the whole way home...

"Babe? Are you okay?"

"Uh? Oh... I'm fine... it's just... I wasn't expecting twins..."

"It'll be okay. I make enough money to support all of us. I hear the first year is the hardest."

That wasn't my best choice of words. I just realized that I have to go to the studio in the morning and finish the final touches on the new record. The guys don't even know yet. All they know is I'm getting married on Halloween.

"But we'll have to move... this apartment isn't big enough for 2 kids, adults and a dog...." 

She did have a point though. Looking and buying a house will be stressful. 

***** I'm aware that Ashley  isn't in BVB anymore but he will be throughout the rest of the story*****

I make sure she takes her vitamins before she goes back to bed then I head off to the studio with coffee in hand  head in. 

"Well isn't it the fiancée!" Ashley was being his usual stupid self. 

"Oh shut up. And are you drinking this early?" 

"Always. Better than that piss you call coffee."

How does that man even function? We finish the final touches on the record and I wait till everyone's gone except Ashley. I can't believe I'm doing this. 

"Ash. Wait up" 


I forgot he was drunk already but at this point...

"I... I mean me and destiny... she's pregnant" 

The look on his face went from confusion to pure anger. "Really? Are you fucking kidding me?! After every fucking thing I did for you!"

He had me pinned against the wall by that time. He might be smaller than the rest of us but he's stronger than he looks. And it's terrifying. 

"I... I thought you'd... be happy..." 

"Happy? You think I enjoy watching you keep that bitch like she's a prize?! I fucking love her you fucking idiot!"

Oh fuck.... I just fucked up big time... I should've known better to wait till he was sober... 

"But we're getting married. Remember? You helped pick the ring...":

"Fuck off!" 

After shoving me into the wall and nearly breaking my shoulder he stormed off.   Then Jinxx came in  

"Damn dude. You really pissed him off. And congratulations on the baby." 

"Biggest mistake of the century... he still loves her"

"I doubt it. You know how he gets when he gets that drunk  CC's driving him home." 

"Yeah but the way it sounded... like he didn't want her to leave"

"Don't worry about it. Give him a few days and he won't even remember." 


~Destiny's POV~ 

I can't believe the days here! I'm in my dress with makeup. I'm just having my hair done since it's grown so long. I can't see Jake until the I reach the altar which sucks. 

"You better treat that man right after what you did to me." 

I jumped out of my daydream to see Ashley in a black tux with a bottle of Jack Daniels in hand. 

"Shut up and go find your seat. Being happy I even invited you in the first place."

"You ruined me by breaking up with me"

Oh no... not again... he kept coming closer. Too close.

"Stop it! You're drunk and you reek! We're not together anymore and just leave the building! Now!" 

The color drained from his face just like the first time I broke up with him. I watched him leave. 

"Wow... I've never seen that man surrender like that" Juliet must've known him longer than I have  

"Why on our wedding day? 

"I don't know  I'll text Andy to go check on him. I'll make sure he gets back before the ceremony." 

An hour later after Me and Jake have been officially been married I was still worried about Ashley.

"I'll be right back baby, I need to make sure he's okay."

I Bleed For You. (A Jake Pitts Love Story (COMPLETED))Where stories live. Discover now