Chapter 11: Love or Breakup?

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~Destiny's p.o.v.~

It'd been a year since I decided to take a break from Jake. He'd cheated on me. With a fan for God's sake. What was I supposed to do? Just sit back and keep letting him sleep with other girls like Ashley? He did wrong and got punished for it. I waited for him at the LA airport because he was taking a few days off from the tour. I couldn't stay mad at him forever. then when I saw him come off the boarding dock my legs moved on their own. Slamming against his chest like a brick.

"I'm so, so sorry Jakey." I nearly sobbed.

I felt his arms wrap around me. "It's okay Dest, we're together now and that's all that matters." I couldn't help but start to cry while still in his arms. I could tell he hadn't been with other girls except fans because I could tell by the way his clothes smelled. Sounds weird I know but when you're with a man long enough you can tell which scent is truly his

~Jake's p.o.v.~

I couldn't believe it. I was actually holding Dest in my arms... And she's crying... I wonder why.... But right now I don't care.... We're together again and that's all I care about.

"Hey Dest, wanna head back to my place? Or... go our separate ways?"

She looked at me so fast she was almost like a ninja. "Your place. I hate my parents... All they did was 'rub it in' about how your a so called cheater. I can't stand them. I want us back the way we where. Being apart is tearing me apart."

I couldn't take it anymore. I held her until she stopped crying. This is was what I wanted. Us together regardless of our pasts. Once she was done, we walked back to her car and drove to my place where Trixy and Ernie waited to great us. It wasn't a surprise when Ernie peed on my legs as usual. We gave them their attention and laid on my bed and watched a movie till we both where asleep.

The next thing I remember is waking up to my phone ringing off the hook. So I finally looked at the caller ID and it was fucking Ashley. What does he want?
"It's about time you answered! Get to the studio!" Was all he said said before he hung up. I told Destiney I would be back and left for the studio.

When I walked in all four of them where talking.

"She's a cheater and that's it!" Ashley practically yelled.

Then Andy had to put his two cents in. "You don't know that. Just because she cheated on you doesn't brand her a hooker." What?! What the fuck is going on?!

"Would anyone care to fill me in here or just talk about my girlfriend like I'm not here?!"

"Dude chill out. Destiney is just using you."  Jinxx  said so calmly that he had no expression on his face. CC just stood there with nothing to say.

"Using me?! You idiots think she's using me?! We're back together! We just took a break. Unlike someone that goes and blows up on everyone." I looked in Ashley's direction as I said the last part which is true. Every time he'd bring a girl on the bus the girl nearly cried rape on him which in a way, it's funny because the girl would willingly come with him.

"What part of 'chill out' don't you understand dude? We caught her with one of her old ex's. In bed. Naked." No. NO! That's a damn lie! She'd never cheat on me. I wouldn't allow it. Not again.

The next thing I know I'm dialing her number faster than a pissed off chick.

"Hey Jakey. What's up?" She was so cool. So.... cold she didn't even know what was about to happen next.

"What's up? What's up is when I find out you slept with one of your ex's! What the hell Dest?!"

"What?!  I didn't! Whoever told you that is a liar! I didn't cheat on you I swear!"

"Bullshit! I'm staring at the picture as we speak! How could you?! After waiting a year!"

She was crying by now. I wouldn't blame her. "Who told you?! Ashley?! He's nothing but an attention seeking, sex driven bastard! Never believe a word he says!" Then the line went dead. She nailed him good. He's always thinking of ways to get attention. If not from us, he'd get from his adoring fans. Any fangirl would hook up with him in a millisecond. I felt my head turning towards him as his face goes whiter than usual.

"Jake, whatever she said was a lie. All of us saw her with the other dude. Don't do anything drastic." I couldn't stop myself from what happened next.

Ash was backing up with his hands up in surrender but that didn't stop me from practically braking his face. He was against the wall hands in front of his face as I was beating him. He was just taking it.. Didn't even fight back. Yet he had the audacity to plead for mercy. He was one of her ex boyfriends. He made us go on that first date that brought us together. this was his own doing. He brought this upon himself. This has his dirty fingerprints all over it and I'll never forgive him for this. But one thing will happen. I won't give up on Destiny. That's for damn sure. 

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