Chapter 2: Fun In The Sun.

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We where walking along on one of the beaches in Cali and she was like angel sent from heaven. How Ash managed to get her I'll never know or ask.

"Jake.. Why do you where so much black?" She asked. Sounded shy almost.

I fumbled for the words. How do I tell her I play guitar in a rock band? "Uh well.. You see I uh play in a band.. And it's like our signature color.. Goes with all the other shit we wear.." I can't even think to mention the makeup yet. She'd freak out.

"Really? What other shit do you where with all that black?" Wow she's classy.

"You should see us live. It's easier to watch than to explain. Can I ask you a question?"

She smiled. "Of course Jakey." Jakey? That's new.

"Do you own any black?"

"Um.. Some. But I'm not goth.." Damn.

"We're not a goth band. Just a Rock N' Roll band. That wears a lot of black." Not like us but I like her. A lot. Okay okay more than a lot.

I finally get the balls to ask her. "Um.. Destiney.. I.. I mean.. Would you.. Go out with me?"

She stops walking and hugs me so fast that I didn't even have time to react. Then she let's go and says "of course I would. Who could say no to this face?" she said putting a hand on my cheek which made me blush a bright red. She giggled at my reaction and said, "Aww you are too cute when you blush!" Which made me blush even brighter.

"So.. Um.. What time should I pick you up?"

"Around.... Six? Where are you taking me anyway?" Shit. Most important detail...

So, like a moron I went with, "I.. Uh.. Let you know when I pick you up." Lamest excuse ever.

"Okay.. Casual or dressy?"

"Um.. Casual." Wow... I really must sound like a idiot.

"Okay.. So six o' clock tonight? And casual?"

"T.. Tonight? I.. Um.. Was thinking more like.. Friday night?"

She looked up at the sky like she was thinking. "Yeah. Friday's good. I don't have to work that night anyway." She shrugged.

"You work nights? Where at?" Now I was being nosy.

She sighed. Like she didn't want to tell. "At a local bar.. And yes I work nights mostly." By the time she was done talking, we where sitting under one of the umbrellas.

"Cool. I frequent bars... Maybe I'll stop in. What's the name?" Damn.. Shouldn't have mentioned I liked to go bar hopping..

She giggled like it was a dirty name. "Bar hopper huh? I figured as much.. Anyway I work at The Bloody Mary. You know, the drink?" Woah.. She's overally perfect.. I owe Ash big time..

"The Bloody Mary? I go there at least twice a week.. I'm surprised we didn't meet there and not by.. Perv Boy."

She gasped, like she remembered something. "So that was you! The one with insanely spikey hair! I remember you now!"

She was practically screaming in my ear. And it freaked me out. "Uh.. Yeah.. I've been told my hair defies gravity.. I thought I recognized you, but you where moving so fast I could barely get a good look."

She blushed. "Sorry.. We servers always gotta keep movin.. Part of the job."

My phone buzzed. A text from Ash: How's it goin? Oh, u ow me big

I replied: dude she's perf. & Ik. Tlk later.

"Who was that?" She asked curious.

"Oh just one of my-" my phone cut me off with a buzz. Ash again: ok. Have fun but not too much fun ;)

I ignored it and moved on. "So Friday, six and casual?"

She smiled. "Yes. It's a date. See you then." she leaned over giving me a kiss on the cheek and left. I was alone again.. I couldn't help but sigh.

I Bleed For You. (A Jake Pitts Love Story (COMPLETED))Where stories live. Discover now