Chapter 7: Fighting For What's Right.

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It's been a month since we started living together and it's been nothing but happiness. The album is coming together faster than ever if only Ash would just stop nagging me about her.

"Just dump her ass already "

"Shut the fuck up Ash. Whats your problem with her? She's my girlfriend "

"Because she's my ex girlfriend. Can't fucking stand her."

"Then it sucks to be you because she's not going anywhere! Just get over yourself already!" He is really starting to piss me off.

"I regret the fact that the only way you two met was through me after I dumped her pathetic ass!" Then she came in seeing Ash and lost all the color in her face.

"Just get the fuck out! I will fight for what's right! Being with her is! Get the hell out and never come back!" I was basically shoving him out and slammed the door in his face before he could say another smartass comment.  Now I had to deal with Destiny. Who ran right past me. I had to patch up what was left of Destiny.

She was sitting on he couch with her head in her hands. So I sat next to her but she didn't move away.

"Do  you still want me? After what  he said?" I could barely hear her but I don't  blame her either.

I couldn't help but hug her. "don't listen to his stupid ass. Of course I still want you. I'll always want you."

She  leaned into my chest still crying. I'll never understand why.

I Bleed For You. (A Jake Pitts Love Story (COMPLETED))Where stories live. Discover now