Chapter 5: Break for it

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~Jake's p.o.v.~

I heard the screaming before I got to the door. Woah.. Someone is really pissed off. And it stopped when I rang the doorbell.

Destiny answered and couldn't help but smile. "Hey.. What's with the screaming match?"

She played the calm card very good but her eyes screamed rage. "Come on in Jake. I want you to meet my mother." Shit she said my nickname.. Only with her does that mean I'm on for it. She took my hand and basically dragged me in. "Mother. This is The Real Jacob. Without all the makeup." I'm so confused. What the fucks going on? I couldn't find my voice because I was so lost.

Her Mom looked me once. "Hello. I'm Caroline. And I see you're also covered in tattoos." Wait.. What? Is this a game that she's playing?

"Right.. Uh Dest can we talk? In private." I felt her eyes on me and it was fuckin creepy.

She nodded. "Not a problem. We'll just go in my room. Only place that's actually private in this damn house." Like before, she was pulling me along for the ride. When we were safe in her room with the door locked we could be 'normal' again.

"What the hell Dest? Your moms fuckin crazy."

She sighed. She only did that when she already knew something. "I know. I have to live the crazy bitch. I'm at the end of my rope with her. She's making me question every bit of sanity I have left." Yikes.. That's never good.

"A couple questions." I sat on her zebra bed. Then I saw it. A framed picture of her and Ash. Together. And happy. "One. Why's there a picture of you and Ash? And two, wanna move in with me?"

She sat next to me refusing to look at me. "Well.. We dated for a couple months and I broke it off with him.. That's why my mom thinks that you're just using me. Ashley.. Only made feel like a cheap whore. I wasn't happy. But he was. After we broke up I was happy again. And he called me saying he knew a guy that needed help.. I had no idea it was you. And yes, I desperately want to move in. I need to make a break for it before I go insane."

What? Destiny was the one making Ash happy? Now I see why he was trying to help me out. He just wanted to get rid of his ex girlfriend. But I could see through his toughness that he was still hurt by it. By the time I looked up again Dest already had two bags packed. Damn she's fast.

"Ready huh? Your moms gonna freak."

"I don't care. I have to break for it before she kills me. I can't take it anymore."

I Bleed For You. (A Jake Pitts Love Story (COMPLETED))Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz