Chapter 10: Renwed love. After seperation.

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~Jake's p.o.v.~

I can't believe we're taking a break from our relationship. I don't know what that can do my heart after what Ella did.

"Dude, it's just a break. Every couple needs one." Andy tried to 'comfort' me. It did't work. I couldn't eat. I couldn't sleep... Or even focus on guitar.

"Thanks Andy. But I just need to be alone for a while..."

"Okay man... Just don't go into that depression like last time."

"I won't make any promises...." He nodded and left my bunk. I was working on a guitar lesson from the new record. Black Veil Brides IV. It was the only thing from keeping from going insane from complete boredom. We where getting ready to leave for tour and I couldn't take all the noise from Ash's bunk.

~Andy's p.o.v.~

Man Jake's really hurt... I have to do something to keep him from going back to that depression. A strip club wouldn't work. He'd kick my ass just for mentioning it. Maybe... Just maybe a bar. Yeah.. That'd do him in. He doesn't drink like the rest of us do... Especially like Ash. He's a monster when he's smashed. A few drinks in him and he'll forget all about Destiny.

~Later That Night After The show~

"Come on dude we're all going."

He had that thinking look on his face. "You know I don't drink. What are you up to?"

Shit he's on to me. "You need to relax. Come on. It's not that bad. They have different flavors.." I hope this works.

He gave this look of I know something's up. I just don't know what look. "Alright.. Just one."

~At The Bar~

~Jake's p.o.v.~

I can't believe Andy managed to drag me in to this bar. Everyone has dates..... Except me. Even CC managed a date. I couldn't help but sigh into my yellow mixture in the little glass. I never did understand the small glass thing.

"Oh my god! You're Jake Pitts!" I could tell it was a female's voice. I turn around on the stool to see a gorgeous blonde.. Ash's type.. But covered in Get Mean and BVB merch.. Weird..

"Yes I am.. Want a autograph? Picture..?" I suck at small talk.. But Destiny would kill me for even talking to another woman.

Her face lit up like a light bulb. "Both? Please. You're my all time favorite."

I couldn't say no to that face. "Of course. Anything for our fans."  And all I remember is going black.

~Later that night~

The next thing I remember I'm waking up in my bunk and I turn over to see the girl from lastnight. I'm so far done for..

"Good morning Jakey." she said with a smile and messed with my  hair. The only thing I felt was throwing up.

"What happened last night?" I lifted the covers. I'm completely naked.. No.. No this can't be..

"Well we had a few and one thing led to another and had some late night sex." Dammit I'm dead!  If Destiny finds out I'm done for..

"Could you be a dear and move. I'd rather not throw up on you or my bed."

"Such a gentlemen. Of course." I managed boxers and sweats and got out of there as fast as possible.

"Nice score Jakey! Never heard a woman scream like that before!" Ash yelled from the living away of the bus. 

I ran to the bathroom and stayed there. I  couldn't face them again. After a couple hours someone banged on the door.

"Come on dude. You can't stay I there forever. Destiny would understand. We all had a moment of weakness." Andy. Anyone could tell it was him.

"Shut up! This is why I don't ever drink! It's how the fighting and ended up losing Ella! Get away!" I ended up curling around the toilet fearing another puke session at any moment. And heard him walk off.

Then the girl I slept with tried coaxing me out. "Come on Jake.. It was fun lastnight wasn't it? I bet your so called girlfriend doesn't even know half of the positions."

"Leave her out of this. Just go. I want to forget everything about last night." then the footsteps disappear quickly. Then no one bothered me  all day while I sat over the toilet the whole day. No one knew the pain I was in. I hated myself for sleeping with a fan. Let alone betraying Destiny like that. My heart was shattered the moment I realized  what I done.

If she finds out before I could tell her.... She just might break up with me for good. Just then, headliners popped into my head Lead guitarist from rock band sleeps with fan. Then, Superstar gets laid from a fan. And the best one, Guitarist cheats on long distance girlfriend. So fucking dead. The headliners wouldn't go away. So I did what any real man would do. I called her.

I told her what happened. Not some stupid lie. The truth. After she stopped crying she said it'd be best to wait a year before seeing each other again. I begged her to give me another chance.. One more try. I told her I regretted everything I did that night. She was still stuck on a year break.

I Bleed For You. (A Jake Pitts Love Story (COMPLETED))Where stories live. Discover now