(7) Steve's 30th Party

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"Linda mark my RSVP to Natasha Rogers invitation as yes and plus one." Bucky said as he walked out of his office.

He went to see Francesca for lunch with it being summer. She was bored during the day. Bucky and her were laying in her bed.

"So next weekend..we have a party to go to at the yacht club." He said

"For what?" She said

"My best friend and VP is turning 30 his wife is throwing the party as a surprise. Its a blue and white party at the yacht club." He said

"Okay..got it. Now I know what colors to wear." She said

He checked his phone. "I have to get back to the office. But I will see you tonight." He said as he started to get dressed.

She pulled her clothes back on and walked him out. He kissed her forehead and then left. Once Bucky got back to the office Linda said "Your mother is on line 1.."

He rolled his eyes and said "thanks."

He pushed the button. "Hello mom.." he said

"I tried calling your cellphone." She said

"I know I was on the other line.." he said as he sat down.

"Well I was calling to let you know that Becca is having another baby." She said

"Great." He said

"James honey.." she said but he hung up on her.

He told Linda to not push the call through if she called back. He finished out the rest of his day at the office.

The following Saturday Bucky showed up at Francesca's apartment. He had on a pair of khaki shorts and a navy blue polo shirt. He found her in her closet.

"Mmm my god those pants hug your ass perfectly." He said

"Well look at you all dressed down." She said as she grabbed her clutch.

He wrapped his hands around her waist. "You look gorgeous..now lets go see if we can fool my friends. Even though they know about the deal their parents do not and mine will be there as well." He said

"Yay.." she said

He smacked her ass as she walked away. They went in her white Audi as he drove it to the yacht club. They walked into the room he introduced her to everyone.

Steve came in with Sam and everyone yelled "Surprise!". He jumped then kissed Natasha when she hugged him.

They had his favorite kind of food which was what they grill out. They all ate and enjoyed the party. His friends watched Winnie and James be totally fooled by Bucky and Frankie.

By the end of the night Bucky had his arms around her as they watched the fireworks. Once their parents left Natasha said "we have Saturday Brunches at noon Frankie especially when ball season starts up in August."

"Okay.." Frankie said as they exchanged numbers.

"Yeah that starts up soon baby. Thats why I have to teach you gorgeous baby how to ball room dance." Bucky said

"Well good thing Im a very good student." She said

He chuckled as he and the other guys lit up their cigars. They all stayed there till midnight. Bucky and Frankie went home to her apartment.

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