(5) Easter Brunch

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A month has passed by they haven't had to attend anything to debut their "relationship". But this day would be the first time she is to meet his family. His grandmother Vivian Barnes hosts a Easter Brunch every year.

Bucky was fixing his black tie in Frankie's bathroom. As she was standing in her closet curling her hair. She couldn't stop shaking that she redid her eye make up three times. Bucky came up behind her to tie her dress and zip it.

"Francesca darlin breathe. We can do this. Its not like we are in a real relationship then I could understand why you would be nervous." He said as he turned her around.

"I know that. But we have to make this believeable." She said as she sat down on her ottoman to put her shoes on.

He knelt down in front of her. "You have had boyfriends before and you had to meet the parents right?" He said

"I have ex boyfriends. One of which I was with for three years." She said as she got up and grabbed her heart shaped clutch.

Bucky swallowed hard reminding himself that this wasn't to get personal. So he ignored the urge to ask why she seemed upset when she said that. He grabbed his suit jacket and followed her downstairs.

For the last month they tried to come up with the best lie of how they met. She was hoping that it wasn't to cliche and believeable. As they were going past the city of Brooklyn into the more surburbs area. He placed a hand on her knee that was bouncing.

"Baby stop..we are going to be fine. Just be yourself and smile. You look beautiful today by the way." He said as he shifted gears as they were riding in his black Audi.

They pulled into the gated driveway. "Who lives here?" She said when she saw the big house.

"My grandparents. His name is Dr Charles Barnes he is a retired military officer and a doctor in Cardio Thoracic. My grandmother is Vivian Barnes she is a retired nurse and the daughter of a Colonel." He said as he turned off the car.

He took a deep breathe as he walked around the car. He buttoned his suit jacket and opened her door.

He kissed her lips. "Smile baby" he said then he shut the door.

They walked into the house. He said hi and introduced her to a few cousins that were on their way to the kitchen. He found his mom and grandmother drinking mimosas in the kitchen.

"Morning mama grandma. I would like for you to meet my girlfriend Francesca Jasper. Francesca this is my mother Winnie Barnes and my grandmother Vivian Barnes." He said as he wrapped his arm around her waist.

"Very nice to meet you both." She said

James seen the back of Bucky's head. "Dad come with me.." he said as he went into the kitchen.

"Is that my youngest boy with a girl?" James said

"Yes it is James.." Vivian said

James and Charles stood behind their wives. "Francesca that is my dad Dr James Barnes and my grandfather Dr Charles Barnes." Bucky said

"Nice to meet you both as well." She said as Bucky tightened his grip.

"Where did you meet this little Southern Belle?" Charles said

"I was asked by an old business professor to come speak for one of his classes. I was on a phone call in between classes.." he said

"And the ditz that I am thought I was running late so I was running across campus not paying attention and ran right into your son." Francesca said

"And I helped her up and she said thank you and when on to her class. I couldnt forget her face all day. That night I was the Brooklyn Diner and as fate would have it she was my waitress. So we exchanged numbers and here we are." Bucky said

"College..how old is she?" James said

Bucky swallowed hard. "Son?" James said when he saw him gulp.

"She will be 19 next month." He said

"Jesus James.." Winnie said

"Mom..she is very mature for her age. And its just 11 years its not that big of a deal." Bucky said

Winnie shook her head. "Now grandpa is your cigar room open?" Bucky said

"You know that it is. Lets go smoke us a cigar and drink some scotch. Tell about the business and how its going." Charles said

She looked at Bucky. "You will be fine baby its just for a few minutes." He said in her ear.

He kissed her as he cupped her cheek. "Just be yourself baby." He said in her ear as he walked away.

A few minutes turned into two hours. Francesca went into the sunroom where there was hardly anybody. She felt like she couldn't breathe. Bucky found her after looking all over for her.

"Baby breathe look at me. You are okay Im sorry. My brother joined us as well as my uncle." He said as he kissed her.

"Time to eat!" Charles yelled

They all joined them in the kitchen where Vivian had set it up like a buffet. James said grace then everyone started to line up.

They all got their food and sat in the dining room. Bucky loosely held her hand under the table. After brunch was over everyone headed outside. The family members that had kids took them to do the egg hunt.

Elliot's widow came with their two kids. "Which ones are your nieces and nephews." She said

"I have one nephew named Toby he is over there with his two sisters. And  is my sister Becca with them. Over there with thr three girls is my brother Ollie and his wife Faith Ann. And that blonde over there is my oldest brother Elliot's wife with my niece Gabriella. Elliot was killed overseas last year. Gabriella is 8. My brother was only 34. Thats all Im gonna give you." He said in her ear as he stood behind her.

As they were about to leave Winnie and Vivian came up to them. "It was very lovely to meet you Francesca. James honey if you don't mind do you think you two could meet us out for dinner one night so we can get to know your girlfriend. It will be me and your daddy as well as your grandparents." Winnie said

"Um sure mom..we can set something up." Bucky said

"Okay my darlin. I love you drive safe." Vivian said

"Love you grandma. And you too mom." He said as he opened the front door.

He opened the door of the car for her she got in the car. He shut the door then got in on his side. They both let out a breathe. "You did amazing baby." He said as they pulled out of the drive way.

"Thanks." She said

At a stoplight he undid his tie and unbuttoned the top three buttons. "Lets go home I need some stress reliever." He said

"You and me both." She said as she took off the heels.

Once they arrived back at her apartment it didn't take long before she was on top of him in her bed.

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