Part 31- The Plan, Us and Others Pt2

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Third, 's Person POV

After the class finished, Beam joined Kit in his car headed to the Engineering Faculty. Forth have to lead the freshman, so he can't pick him up that afternoon. Beam was fine though. He gave his best friends, Kit accompanies him anyways.

The ride to the faculty rather calmed. Kit sigh gladly

" Really Really, Beam! I still can't believe it. " Kit exclaim excitedly

Kit giggles " I don't know you would fall for a guy too, man. " Kit says, his eyes on the road.

" I mean... I never have that thought, you know. You really surprised me there...I bet Pha too, is the same as me..." Kit express

Beam then chuckles " Back then... I don't know too. He came to me. I wasn't expecting him to come. To be true. I am telling him I am waiting for him. I do. At the point, I am not sure. But then he comes. He has found It is was me, the one he looking for. Then he makes me believe it. "

" So we just do it. When he courts me... prove to me that love exists. He shows me, guide each other. The next moments, I know everything is all right. You know what they mean when you can feel it is the right time and the right person. Forth is the right one for me. He accepted me. You know my history na, Kit. "

" Man, I am lucky I guess. I still can have loved after all..."

" Hey man, love is for everyone! " Kit says loudly

Beam laugh " Yeah... reminds me of someone "
" Hmm ?. " Kit reacted

Beam shook his head, " Love is for everyone. That is true. " Beam repeats.

Ming has said the same thing.

" Forth. That guy. He is possessive kind of man..." Kit comment which Beam need to agree

Beam chuckles " Tell me something new. He is possessive as fuck. But I like that about him..."

Kit shook his head " How can he stand are... well... stubborn and complicated sometimes. " Kit mocked Beam.

Beam laugh and shrugged " I know. " Beam said

Kit shook his head again " He must love you so much... " Kit says

Beam know. Beam nods " I know. I love him too. For him, I would do anything. For us. " Beam says. Kit approved

When they arrived at the Faculty. They are in the parking park.

Beam sigh. He looking at Kit. Kit eyes wandered somewhere. His gaze straight to white SUV also parking there.

" Would you give him a chance, Kit? " Beam asked

" You worried for me or him? " Kit ask back instead

" Both of you " Beam then chuckles

" You love each other so much. Don't make another day wasted, my friend... " Beam says. And tap on Kit's shoulder before he gets out from the car and left the stunned Kit behind.

Kit whispers to no one" I know..."

Kit rests his head on the headrest.

Kit sigh softly, Of course, he knows. He saw him. Never once Ming has failed to make a trip to his Faculty every lunch break during those whole weeks. While Wayo sits together with Phana and him. Ming just sits on the table next to them. He eats alone. Then walking back with Wayo again.

The same happens every day. The thin smile on his face. He asked himself. Thinking again.

He noticed the taller man, how more thin Ming has become. " That Kid. Why doesn't he eat well... " Kit naggin to no one.

I am not a Cinderellaजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें