Part 8 ( Still waiting!?? )

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Third, 's Person POV

" Do you have beers at your place? " Beam ask the one on the other side.

Soft chuckles can be heard from the other side " I have plenty here. " Beam nods although the other can't see it. He starts on his car's engine, starts to drive while he still on the line with the other.

Beam chuckle too " Good!, I will come over... " Beam utter " I will waiting for you then..." Excited voices make Beam shook his head. He ended the call. He drives back to the campus area. But he didn't stop at his apartment building. But rather it was a building that seems unfamiliar to himself.

Arrived at the parking park. Beam's park his car and walk to the building. Stole a glance around him, just to make sure no one sees him walking to that building. Not that he afraid some might know. He just wants to keep the thing only between the two of them. Privacy.

The lift slides open, walk inside he touch the button to close the sliding door and proceed to touch button number 3. His mind was full. Gloomy and dark cloud one might see it above him. Beam sighed. He keeps mumbling " Asshole! Asshole!... I am an asshole too." Beam sneer upon himself. He shook his head. Sighed.


Beam Knocking on the room number 237 " Come in... the door was not locked. " The voices come from inside the house. It is a man voice. Beam sigh and start to growl. Indicating his mind was full and he almost exploded if he keeps bottle up his emotions.

He enters the house, tugs his shoes. Make a way and walking straight to the couch " Shhh... Don't ask me anything yet khrap!!!. " Beam slump himself on the couch. The young man nods. He walks to the kitchen, then walks to the couch again and bringing the can of beers; put onto the table. He brings along the dried spicy squids snack too. Yummy combination to go with beers. He knows the man in front of him often have it when he having drinking solo. He knows that habit since the older man once told him about it.

He smiles, nods. " Tell me when you are ready then Phi... " He sits at his own favourite couch, sat across of the older man. He watched the TV show... his eyes sometimes glance at the older man that shut his eyes while leaning his head on the headrest. He knows the older man doesn't fall asleep but rather ruminating while closing his eyes. He then decides to just wait until the older man ready to talk. Although he can guess well what the causes that make the old man looking so gloomy tonight.

Beam straightening his body adjusts his position. He smiles thinly " I didn't bother you tonight, Nong? " Beam ask, he took the beer and open it. Gulping his beer like he is thirsty.

Young man chuckles " Of course not Phi. "



Beam nods, the young smile back at him and said " I am glad you come here; rather than seeing you at the other place Phi. Because I know...

I know you would regret it the next day you found yourself at stranger bed. " Beam nods clucked his tongue.

" Why you know me too well Nong. The other sees me as a lucky one. But I am a jerk...moron. They said I am living in heaven. Heaven!!! " Beam chuckles.

" Heaven for them...hell for me... " Beam laugh.

" I never happy with the title they gave to me...this what I feel now. Well, I used to be proud of it. I never say no too. Living with praise. Living with appreciation.

But it was for a thing that doesn't make me any more proud now. I used to like it. Living like that. But I hate it now... I don't like it. No more. " Beam sigh. He gulping his second beer now. Finish it. Squeeze it and throw it right away to the trash can.

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