Part 17 - Part of me

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Third Person POV

That Saturday morning Beam drives his car to the building that mainly occupied by those Engineering students. He just wearing white shirt match with dark brown khaki pant. His white pale porcelain skin matching well with his outfit.

Ming has sent him a text, which he would arrive late maybe in the evening as he spending the last minutes before separate with his Kit the grumpy kitty for at least 5 days from today. Beam know that Phana too doing the same, spending his time with Wayo before he and Kit both head back home. Lucky for Beam though, his parents weren't in the country. He doesn't need to come back to the empty house.

Forth has been waiting for Beam at the lobby since 10 am. Excitedly waiting for Beam that could arrive at any moments. He can see the white SUV enter the parking park area of the building from far. He just brings one of his travel bag with him. Wearing white shirts and black jeans with white and black sneakers, black sunglasses, he hangs it on his shirt. He whistled and humming the happy song. Very energetic about the plan. Smiling as broadly as he can see Beam's car arrived.

Soon as Beam open the door "Hey...morning na Beam..." Forth greets Beam.

No doubt... He is handsome. As Beam checking him out.

Beam smile fondly at the man that looking so stunning right in front of him "--- Morning too na, Forth. Erm...just put your bag inside the trunk... I already open it." Beam said.

While Forth just can't take off his eyes from gazing at Beam. Forth nods back and out his bag inside the trunk. Forth gulp, well Beam is not the only one checking out on him. But Forth does too.

I can never stop praising him. He is not just handsome. But beautiful and sweet too... everything about him...can take all my sanity away...

As the car moving, Beam doesn't tell him yet where is the place they were going at. Beam just driving around the city, and that making Forth wondering. When the car enters the parking park of the hyper mall. Forth thoughts of nothing. Simply, he just thinks that maybe Beam wanted to buy some snack for their road trip to home. Well, Beam even not allowing him to drive for them today too.

Beam just told him one sentence of words, that make him blushes and happy. He can't lie. But he really likes the manly side of Beam. Being a perfect gentleman.

"--- Let me be the man, be my guest and let me show you, part of me..." Beam worded to Forth. Forth grin ear to ear.


When Beam took out the cart mall, Forth help him to push it along. " Thanks na. We need to buy a lot of things..." Beam utter softly. The smiling never faded. Forth can sense that Beam was indeed in deep excitement.

Forth smile too "--- So do you have a list for the thing that we need to buy?" Forth asked Beam.

Beam nods happily "I already remembered all of it. Just follow me..." Beam mutter.

Forth nods.

Forth is sure were surprised when Beam directs him to baby food products. Forth blinks for a second. He never expected that the thing Beam thoughts first was baby food.

Grabbing the milk powder packages. Beam took 5 pieces of milk powder for baby range 1 - 2 years old.

He grabbed another 5 pieces for baby range 3 - 4 years old. And plus 5 pieces for the kids range 5 - 6 years old. Not to forgot the cereals for the baby and kids too.

Forth still silence. He just blinks when the cart now half full with the baby products in details too.

Beam, have younger siblings?. I think he once told me he is the only one. But this is surely quite a lot though for one kid or baby.

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