Part 21 - The forgotten story & confession

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Third, 's Person POV

Nevertheless, the world needs a storyteller who isn't afraid to share their stories for the whole kinds of people to see the hope, to share the light. Spread the good thing for people to acknowledge it.

No matter what story it is... everyone has their own story.

Here Forth, with smiles on his faces, he tells the kids story on how the Prince has been searching for his soulmate he has met at the ball.

While the kids very much excited to hear the whole story. Hoping to hear the happy ending. They are so engrossed.

Beam with his face has become redden. He needs to cup his hand to his cheek, try hard to hide it. Ming facepalm.

He wanted to stop Forth to help out his shyly Phi.. but yeah...he just let it by anyway. Seniority it is.

The kids were still young...but they love fairytales anyway.

Ming smirk. Modern fairytales ?. Yeah yeah. This is ain't fairytales anyway!.

The kids especially the girls in awe when Forth begin to converse the story. Forth continues from where Cinderella left the Prince at the ball that particular night. So he told the kids how is the Prince urged his knight to search the whole country, how they searched for that mysterious princes, but no avail. How they can't even find her and about Prince that have been wonder why she didn't come to him.

" Phi Kha ~~ why did the Cinderella hiding from him? He didn't like him ?. " Praew ask.

Forth smile. Beam and Ming both gaping and gulped almost at the same time. Beam can't even move from where he sat. He looks like his just glues to the floors instead with his face red like pickled radish.

" Not that he doesn't like him, but rather it is was a most complicated thing for him in that time. The Prince Charming had never fallen for someone, moreover to fall with the man instead. Also, the Prince has said clearly... he wanted him to fulfil his promises; which mean to find the Prince real identity. " Forth answered.

Praew nods back and she giggling and scooted closer to Phun. Now both of them can't wait to hear for more.

Forth sigh in gladly, he stole a quick glance at Beam, he grins ear to ear when he saw those blushes cheek.


"... Despite what happened, the Alpha Prince haven't given up. It took him about 2 weeks for the Prince to finally know whose is Cinderella real identity. It happened, after their encounter in one night at the town, the Alpha saying something similar to what he said to him that night. ' She will disappear '. So he has recalled that night... thus how Alpha Prince know the words that time is the same as the mysterious Cinderella have said to him. Nobody else could just recite the same word as she is. So Alpha Prince finally gets all the clues he has got. That Cinderella is indeed is that beautiful Prince Charming. "

" Both of them, the Princes obviously recognised each other. So What makes he didn't recognize it before ?..." Forth ask the kids.

Phun raised her arm " Ah, I know this Phi... it is because the Prince wearing a costume and disguises as a princess, that is why that time he didn't know him...that Prince must be blind, Phi Kha ~ " Phun replied excitedly

Forth chuckles " That's correct, the Alpha must be blinded that time ... and he regretted it a lot. When he looked back... there is no big difference... a Cinderella he met that night, still the same person as the Prince he looks at now. " Forth says while look at Beam and wink at him.

Beam blink. He bit his lips.

Why did he need to say all of it? ... this is so unreal, yet it is, talking about us so openly. Beam end up can't even look back straight at him.

I am not a CinderellaUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum