Part 33 - Plan, Us and Others

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Third, 's Person POV

The taxi driver speaks nothing but he gazing from time to time to the man in the backseat that softly whimper while he closing his eyes. He has the address from that man already. He didn't need to ask again. So he drives them carefully on the road. Shall no obstacle they would arrive in one hour and a half journey. With just slow music from the radio accompanied them.

Beam know better how his parents receive the news that he told them. The silent wasn't good mean. It's mean it would be no room for discussions. His father is always known as someone that intolerant and closed person. But perhaps his mother a bit more open up. Still, the father that hold the decision.

From when he still younger, since he could understand that that's mean by having a good reputation and shall not taint but to always take pride with the name of Vongviphan, Wonpihat. Beam know how big is that burden. Just to keep the reputation up high and be responsible for it. Mean the flaw and any damage is not allowed.

His father always reminds him that he couldn't just go and damage their family name. Everything must be taken clean and clear. Every messed must be unknown.  So how much trouble maker Beam is, he has to give them headaches. But the problem still lightens compared to this.

His father is a very conventional person at that. Being gay or being bisexual is not something that easy to be accepted.

The silent treatment he gets has given him the answer. His parents don't like his relationship with a man.

His text to Forth hasn't read yet. Forth probably still busy with night Gear event.
Beam bite his lips so he not going to sobbing harder. He thoughts he was ready.

Yes... he was ready for an argument. He was ready for shouting. He was ready for his parents talking back to him. He makes a ready speech to protect his relationship. He was ready to hear any words bad or good from them.

But he never ready for his parents to just left him behind after 30 minutes went on silence in dining tables.

The dinner tonight has become the worst dinner ever he has had with his parents. 

Beam rakes his own hair with his finger. He stares outside the window. As if he can hear Forth voice " I want the whole world to know about us...our story. " And he did tell everyone that important to him. And that was not just because Forth wants it...but he wanted it too, so the whole galaxy knows about his love life too. He always wanted the freedom...and freedom means Forth, his wings.

" I will protect us..." He softly whispered almost unheard.

The star above is bright compared to any other night, the moon shines brighter tonight as if the sky wanted to console him. The thin smile on his lip, he wipes his tear with his fingertip. He sighs and keeps looking outside the window... he turns the half down allowing the soft breeze softly hit him.

Well, it's usually always raining in early October though, now less rain and November would come soon.


When he arrived at the building area. He saw Ming waiting for him in the lobby area. Ming slowly walks and approach him when he comes out of the taxi.

Ming then taking the bag from him and hugging him for a while before he loops his arms on Beam's shoulders. Beam head then falls on his shoulder too and they walk to the lift together.

Beam speak nothing and Ming caresses his hairs softly while they are inside the lift.  Beam just let Ming manhandle him and guide them to his and Forth's place.

Once they inside the apartment, they sitting together side by side on the couch. Beam's folded his knee to his chest then he lay his head on Ming's shoulder again. Finally, his tear begins to fall again. He sobbing harder. Ming bit his lip as he heard Beam crying. His Phi looking so messed and his hand slowly make a softly tap on his Beam's back.

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