Chapter 5

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I was sitting in English. I hated Monday mornings! It was like god had given the devil one day to do what he wants. To just go crazy! Go mad!
I was drawing circles in my book to keep myself from falling asleep. The weekend had been somewhat boring. Hannah and Taylor had actually started to get along and they explained everything to me, it was horrific. I had decided to not tell Taylor or anyone else about what I saw Gabriel and Julian doing. It wasn't my business.
Sunday I had stayed home and done homework and then I face timed mum. She was on a plane, I missed her so much. But she loved being a flight attendant and I couldn't force her to give that up. She had lost so much with my father and all.

'ZOIE CARTER PLEASE COME TO THE OFFICE! ZOIE CARTER TO THE OFFICE.' It's not that I hated my last name but when I was little I used to think Carter sounded like Carton of beer. Kinda figures when your father always had one around.
'You're excused Miss. Carter.' The teacher said. Every kid was looking at me. I packed up my things and walked out into the hall.

It was quiet, with all the students in class it reminded me of a ghost town.
I walked into the office to find Mr. Wisener standing with a boy. The boy was taller than me. He was black and had an army shaved head.
'Uh! Miss. Carter.'
'Mr. Wisener?!' I said with gritted teeth. I should have expected he'd call me up sooner or later.
'I want you to meet Mr. Bason Chuck.' He introduced. Bason Chuck? Who the fuck names their kid Bason? Was that even a real name?
'I'd really appreciate if you could tutor him in History. He is new here and needs the support.'  As the teacher said that Bason Chuck rolled his eyes.
He clearly didn't want to be here either.
'I appreciate the offer but I already have so much on!'
'This would be extra credit! Plus Ivy League schools look upon students who take advantage of opportunities like this.' Ever since I was little I wanted to go to an Ivy League but it was never a possibility without a scholarship.

'Just tutor him for a few weeks and I will write an amazing recommendation.' Mr. Wisener went to Princeton which confused me as to why he ended up here. 'Alright fine, I can make some time!' I answered. 'Wonderful.' Mr. Wisener said clapping his hands. 'Keep me updated with progress Miss. Carter.' The teacher quickly left probably back to his room. Bason and I were left alone.
It wouldn't be so bad. Bason Chuck was actually really hot. He had big dark brown eyes and his lips weren't too bad looking either.
'Take a picture it lasts longer!' He smirked.
'Taking a line out of the play book are we!' I joked. I said it before realising and bit my tongue. I was never one to insult unless I was drunk which I will be forgetting harshly.

'Whatever!' He started to walk off but I caught up. 'Monday's, Wednesday's and Thursday's.'
'What?' He said stopping in his tracks. 'Those are the days I will tutor you.'
'You expect me to drop everything for you?'
'Hey! I'm dropping everything for YOU!' I reminded. He didn't flinch.
'You want me to come over tonight?!'
'Yes, look as soon as Mr. Wisener see's you've made progress we can stop all of this.'
'Why do you even care?'
'I don't you idiot! I want my recommendation.' I flicked my hair and walked off back down the halls. I couldn't believe I had said that to him and gotten away with it. Maybe Hannah had the right idea all along. Being balsey wasn't so bad!

I was at home, alone! Any minute Bason Chuck would be knocking on my door. I was sitting at the dinning table, a bowl of grapes and berries in front of me. My favourite food was fruit and mum used to say I ate fruit so much I'd turn into one.
Kind of a prerequisite love considering my middle name is Cherry. A loud bang sounded at the door making me jump. I walked down the hall into the living room. 'About time!' I answered.
It was already four o'clock and I wanted to be done with it.
'Whatever.' He answered. He followed me down the hall to the kitchen and dinning. 'Your place is small!' He noted.
'Thanks.' I said sarcastically. Wasn't he meant to say something like it's nice or amazing?

I shook my head from my thoughts and pulled open my books. 'Okay so the Russian revolution.' I started. He was already grunting.
'Can you just pay attention I want this over with just as much as you.' He rolled his eyes for the hundredth time and pulled open his books.
'Where are you parents?' He asked.
'My mum is away working, she's a flight attendant.'
'And your dad?'
'FOCUS!' I barked. I wanted this over so bad. Basons good looks we're fading as he became more annoying. Plus the last person I wanted to talk about my dad with, was him.

We studied for almost an hour and a half before Bason was completely out of the zone. 'I think we should finish up for tonight.'
'Finally!' He dragged out. He slammed his books and quickly shoved them away.
'That was super boring.' He commented. 'It wasn't no festival for me either.' I said.
I could feel him looking me up and down curiously as I put the empty bowl in the sink.
'So you live here by yourself?'
'Yeah! Mum pays the bills and I just work and go to school.' I answer. Reminding me I had work tomorrow. I screamed quietly in my head.
'Where's your old man?!' The question was normal but it hurt. I knew exactly where he was but I could never face him.
'Why do you care?'
'Defensive much!' He retorted. 'Well it's none of your business is it! What about your parents what do they do?' It was meant to be invasive but he didn't seem to care.

'Mums a lawyer and dads a cook. Plus I'm adopted but EVERYONE knows that.'
I looked at him, he was adopted? 'I didn't know that.'
'It's not hard to guess, my little sister and my parents are white.'
'Right.' I replied wiping the table. 'You should probably head home.' I say. 'It's getting late.' He didn't say anything after, just shrugged and walked towards the door.
I was still standing in the kitchen when I heard it click shut. Well that was horrible.

School had been a boring day. Taylor hadn't shown up and Hannah mostly just talked about some guy she matched with on Tinder.
I was excited for her, she was going on a date tonight and I told her to text me updates to know she's okay.
But tonight I had work. I hadn't had a shift since last Thursday which was unexpected. I usually work Sundays, Friday's and Tuesdays.
'Hi, what can I get for you today?' I asked a costumer. I wrote down their order and put it on the wheel.
'What can I get for you?' I asked.
I put another order on the wheel. Tonight was quiet. In the last three hours I had served five people.

'Um, excuse me I want to order! God the service is horrible!' I spun around and grinned. Taylor was messing around.
'What are you doing here?'
'I want fish and my brothers didn't get a choice. I didn't know you worked here!'
'Yeah, been here a while. Can't get rid of me.' I joke.
'What can I get you?' Taylor gave me her order. Enough to feed an army. I left out a few things on the register, making it on the house.
'Well, aren't you the kindest!' Taylor said looking at the receipt.
No one else was coming in for ages so Taylor and I talked none stop. 'Zoie, ahhhhh this is why you're not doing your job!' Matthew said. Matthew was my boss, he was also the current owner.
'Matty this is Taylor.' Taylor smiled and greeted him. 'We go to school together.' She said. 'Right well, here's your order.' Matty handed her the food and walked back off to the kitchen.
'I'll see ya later ey?' I said, waving her off.

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