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The rating for this was mostly incase I decided to put sex or something else in here. However, it is completely up to you to decide whether or not it should be added. Because I don't care either way, and I don't want to add something you guys won't read. So, yes or no on sex in this story?

I'm asking this because of something that happens in this chapter. So, please let me know! :D


Kendall and Logan went back upstairs after staying in the kitchen long enough to chug down two cups of coffee each. Logan had taken a little longer to drink them, whereas Kendall chugged his so fast it probably only took him five minutes to finish both. They were a little sluggish as they made their way up the stairs and back over to Kendall’s room.

When they got into the room, closed the door, and thought about the amount of time between then and leaving, Kendall realized that after they drank their coffee there was no way that both of them were gonna be able to shower with James needing to shower as well before they were able to leave. On top of having to shower, Kendall hadn’t been able to get a few of his things packed so they could get settled over at his dads house for the first few days before coming back and gathering everything that was necessary.

“So, you can shower and I’ll just change my clothes.” Kendall said, deciding to not think too much about it before his mind wandered too much. “I’ll shower tonight when we reach my dad’s.”

“Wait, you’re not gonna shower?”

“Not enough time for all three of us to shower, besides I still need to gather a few things before we’re able to leave; I can’t go over there without clothes for the next couple days.”

They sat there for a few seconds in slightly uncomfortable silence, while Logan thought about what he was going to say next. It was like Logan was a new person now that he was away from his parents, not having to worry about hiding who he was; but at the same time, Logan didn’t want to change too much, not knowing if Kendall would still like him if he did. He was confused. That didn’t stop the words tumbling out of his mouth.

“Well, you could always join me.” Once the words were out of his mouth, he wanted to take them back. His face heated up when Kendall’s gaze quickly turned to him and a smile that Logan wasn’t sure where to place showed up on his face.

Kendall closed the distance between them before replying, lifting his hands to hold Logan’s face. “I would love nothing more than to take you up on that offer. However, I want the first time that I see your dick to not be rushed or the result of us getting away from you father. Logan, I’m sure it’ll happen at some point in the future, but right now we just need to worry about getting out of town and on the road before my dad starts getting mad about us wasting his time.”

Logan felt embarrassed that he allowed the words to slip from his lips, that he allowed himself to be something that he wasn’t only to be rejected by the same person that he propositioned. It was embarrassing and his face heated up even more. He was sure that his face was bright red by now. It didn’t help that Kendall hadn’t stepped away from him or let go of his face. In fact, Kendall had forced Logan to look him in the face and not down at the ground or at his feet or anything else.

“Logan, I swear that this isn’t me rejecting you. Obviously. I just think that things like that shouldn’t be rushed and should be taken slower.” To prove his point, Kendall leaned forward and kissed Logan. This one lasted longer than their first, but wasn’t quite as intense as the second. Instead, it was probably the most perfect kiss that Kendall had ever had. He hated that he had to end it so soon. “Okay, now. Go take a shower and get ready. We have about fifteen minutes and James should be out of the shower by now.”

Fix A Heart (Big Time Rush - Kogan)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt