Chapter Five

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If people are still reading after the last chapter, thank you! And I am sorry that I didn't warn anyone about the content of the chapter. I'll make sure to do that in the future.

Chapter Five.

It took Logan awhile to convince Kendall to allow him to clean him up; and when he finally managed it, it took Logan awhile to even touch Kendall with the wash rag that he was using. Kendall kept jumping the second that the rag came in contact with his skin and Logan kept feeling bad each time that happened.

But the worst thing about the whole thing was that Logan really wished he could take Kendall to the hospital and have him get checked out. But sadly, that was where Kendall drew the line; he refused to go to the hospital. Logan didn't understand it, but figured that it had something to do with the whole mysterious side of Kendall.

Halfway through cleaning up the blood and discovering every bruise and cut and bite mark that Jett made, Kendall ended up finally breaking down. At first, Logan wasn't sure what to do considering he had never dealt with anyone that was crying, let alone crying over being hurt so badly. And eventually he just continued cleaning up the blood and allowing Kendall to choose whether he wanted to be comforted or not.

As soon as Logan finished cleaning up all the blood and putting bandages on the cuts, he stepped back a couple feet away from Kendall. He was hoping for some kind of sign that Kendall would be okay, but sadly Kendall just sat there as sobs wracked through his body.

"Kendall?" Logan whispered, not wanting to startle Kendall if he had forgotten about Logan.

Kendall didn't answer, just looked up into Logan's face as he tried to stop the sobs, becoming unsuccessful as their eyes met and a sob escaped at the sight of the worry behind Logan's eyes.

"Are you okay?"

Normally, Kendall would retort with a smart ass comment, but he knew that Logan didn't know what to do in a situation like this. So, instead, he shook his head and turned away from Logan's gaze.

"How about we get you changed and into bed?" Logan suggested, bending down to look Kendall in the eye.

Kendall was unsure, mostly because that would mean that Logan would have to help considering Kendall didn't feel like he could do anything by himself; but it did sound like a good idea because at the moment he was sitting in Logan's bathroom, completely naked and exposed, and it wasn't very comfortable. So, Kendall nodded his head again, not wanting to trust his voice.

He reached out for Logan's hands, wincing when they made contact but not pulling away, and allowed Logan to pull him up from the side of the bathtub and out of the bathroom. They made their way down the hall, since they had gone to the closest bathroom to clean Kendall up, and went into the guest room once they reached the door.

Logan let go of Kendall's hand, letting him sit down on the bed, as he went to grab a pair of pajamas for Kendall. Logan handed Kendall the pants, allowing Kendall to put the pants on himself, waited for Kendall to tell him that he wanted to be alone. But, what Kendall asked of him was definitely not to be left alone.

"Can you lay with me?" Kendall's eyes were pleading, when they met Logan's, and there was no way Logan was going to deny Kendall anything when he was looking at him like that. "At least until I fall asleep?"

"Yeah," Logan's voice was quiet, but Kendall managed to hear him anyways.

Kendall scooted back until he was able to lay his head down on the pillows and watched as Logan walked around to the other side and lay down on the bed, over the blankets.

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