Chatper Eight

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Chapter Eight.

In the early hours of the morning, when his alarm clock went off indicating that it was time to wake up and get ready for school, was when Logan finally realized that he had missed school yesterday. He's never missed school; not even on the occasional cold would keep him away from school. And that's more important than whatever had happened yesterday.

And for about five minutes, Logan had forgotten that his parents had come home from Paris early because his dad had found out that Kendall was watching over him while they were gone. And for an extra minute, he forgot all about the fact that James and Carlos had shown up afterwards and taken him from his abusive father and had brought him to stay at James' house.

After that, he remembered how he had been found by James, when he came back from taking Carlos home, crying because he was afraid that his father would come searching for him and he'd be in even more trouble than he already was. Knowing that, he was afraid of being found and going home. He didn't want to see what his father was truly capable of.

That thought had him clinging to James tighter that he already was and, without realizing it, woken James up.

The movement went unnoticed as James lifted his arms and wrapped them around Logan's waist. Logan only realized that he was awake when James squeezed his waist and quieted him down, which was when he realized that he had been crying throughout the time that he was thinking and hadn't bothered to cover up his sobs. He focused on James' voice, in hopes of it calming him down and helping him stop crying.

"What happened?" James asked when Logan finally managed to successfully calm down and started to breathe normal.

For a couple seconds, Logan stayed quiet, allowing the quiet of the morning seep into his senses and get him to remember that he had to get up for school. "I don't really want to talk about it right now." Was the only answer that was given when Logan finally decided to reply to James' question.

"Do you want to stay here today?" James asked. "Or we can go out and do something? Get your mind off of everything?"

"James, thanks for the offer," Logan forced a smile, mostly because he still had everything running through his head at a hundred miles an hour and they wouldn't stop. "But I really need to get back into the swing of things. And I can't miss anymore school; yesterday was already bad enough."

"Logan, I'm pretty sure that you can miss at least one day out of the whole school year." James said, laughter evident in his voice. "But alright, we'll go to school. Besides, we have to check up on Kendall; I wasn't able to yesterday."

"I almost forgot about Kendall." It was barely above a whisper, so quiet that James wouldn't have understood what he said if his gaze wasn't focused on Logan's mouth.


Logan had been trying to talk to Kendall all day, searching the halls and looking in empty classrooms during passing period; but every time that Logan was able to spot him, Kendall would always ignore him and walk off before he had the chance to get close enough to ask if he was okay.

Logan was finally able to get close to him during lunch, but that was only because Kendall was too busy talking to the people at his table to notice Logan approaching. The people that was sitting opposite Kendall noticed, however, and grew quiet once Logan stopped walking when he reached the table and ended up stopping right behind Kendall.

"Kendall, can we, uh, talk?"

Kendall froze for a second before turning around, eyes wide for half a second and then narrowing. "Why would I talk to you?"

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