Chapter Seven

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Chapter Seven:

Kendall was fairly certain that he was never going to get home in the state that he was in, so after walking three blocks Kendall stopped walking and sat down on the sidewalk to let himself calm down.

He had been hoping that he'd never have to see Jett again. Well, aside from school; but that was beside the point because there was no way out of seeing Jett there. And now, because Kendall had ran off without thinking about the consequences, he had ran into Jett and now things seemed to be getting harder for him.

Not only had he ran off into the part of town that he had never been before, but he also hadn't brought his phone and now he couldn't find his way back to his – or Logan's – house. It wasn't like he really wanted to be the person in this situation that needed saving, it's just that if he had his phone he wouldn't even be in this situation and now he was desperate to get home. Even if that meant his own home and avoid Logan and James.

Actually, that sounded like an amazing idea right about now. Avoiding Logan and James meant that he'd never have to think about this ever again, and that's all that Kendall wanted at the moment. But, sadly, before he can start avoiding them and refusing to never think about Jett – and what Jett did to him – he had to find his way home without being caught from James and Logan while he was trying to sneak into his own home.


On her way home, Jenifer was driving through the part of town that made the drive home faster and easier – she didn't run into any stop lights and there were hardly ever any cars out during the middle of the night – when she saw someone sitting on the sidewalk. Normally, she never stopped when she saw someone on the side of the road, but the silhouette of the person looked quite familiar and there was something in the bottom of her gut telling her to pull over and make sure everything was alright.

The closer she got to the person, the more she realized that the outline of the person belonged to her son and her motherly instincts kicked in as soon as she slammed on her breaks and threw open her door. Slamming the door shut, she ran to the passenger side of the car and crouched down to her sons level and forced him to look up at her.

The first thing that she noticed was the tears streaming down Kendall's face. As soon as that initial shock wore off that he son was upset, she realized that he was slowly trying to slink out of her grasp; but she wasn't allowing that. Her baby was hurt and she wasn't going to let go of him until she found out why.

"Kendall?" Her voice was hesitant, as if it would scare Kendall away. "Are you alright?"

He shook his head, the movement making his head and stomach hurt. He didn't bother with voicing his answering, not sure if he would be able to get the answer out without making any other noise.

Instead of questioning him anymore, she stood up and helped him into the car. When the both of them were settled in the car, Jenifer pulled away from the sidewalk and restarted her route to her house.

"Do you want to talk about it?" Once again, Kendall shook his head in answer. "Alright. Well, I'm here if you ever do need someone to talk to."


James and Logan were just about to go out looking for Kendall, when Jenifer drove up into the neighbor's driveway. They were over there as soon as the car stopped, opening Kendall's door for him.

"James, Logan." Her voice startled the both of them, having had their full attention on Kendall and getting him out of the car. "You two should be in bed by now."

"We are aware of that, Mrs. Knight." Logan smiled. "We were just waiting for Kendall to get back and make sure he was alright."

"Ah, yes. Well, he'll be fine. Why don't you two help him up to his room and then you can go get into bed."

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