Chapter Three

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Chapter Three.

The next week went by fast; a blur of school, Kendall and Jett, his parents, doing Kendall's work, and home. There hadn't been a day where he went through the whole day without Logan hadn't run into Jett or his father hadn't decided to teach Logan a lesson about his attitude; which meant the bruises hadn't gone away, but Kendall didn't seem to be noticing.

His parents, for their honeymoon which happened to be the next day, were flying out to Paris for a week. And considering they didn't trust him enough to leave him alone – usually they called his grandmother – they were having Kendall stay at the house with him. The only reason Kendall was able to stay over at the house was because Jennifer had to work nights, which meant she'd be gone the whole time Logan would be home from school; so, the parents had worked out an agreement that Kendall and Logan would stay at Logan's house during the night as long as they watched Katie until she fell asleep.

Logan was nervous about the whole week, he had been able to keep the bruises away from Kendall – mostly because he wasn't seeing him outside of school – but now that he was going to be staying at his house because his parents didn't trust him home alone, it was going to be a lot harder to hide them from him.

He wasn't sure he liked the fact that Kendall was actually going to be in his house more than a few hours over dinner, while Logan was asleep. But he wasn't about to tell his parents that he didn't want Kendall staying at their house, because that would just cause trouble for them and his dad will most likely want to teach him another lesson. And having more bruises for when Kendall comes over isn't want Logan wants at the moment; it was bad enough he had the bruises that he had now.

"Logan!" His mother called from downstairs. "We're leaving!"

Setting his math book down on his desk, Logan got up from his desk chair and walked out of his room to say goodbye to his parents. He made his way down the stairs, two at a time, and once he got to the bottom he noticed that a certain blond haired jerk was walking past the threshold of the front door.

"Your parents just left." Kendall stated, carrying the bag over his shoulder to the couch before turning towards Logan. "Okay, so."

Logan sighed, of course they'd leave before I could say goodbye. "Well, I'm going back upstairs to finish my homework. You stay down here and watch television or something."

With that, Logan turned back around and ran towards his room, in hopes of being able to stay up in his room the whole time Kendall was gonna be there.


Two hours and a lot of homework later, there was a knock on the front door.

Logan quickly made his way downstairs, hoping that it wasn't Jett to tell him that he knew his parents were gone for the week and they were gonna throw parties there – not that that'd happen before… But when Logan got to his front door and threw his the door open, he saw that it was just Carlos.

"Gosh, I was gonna come over earlier, but I saw Kendall making his way over here so I thought I wouldn't disturb you." which meant he had been scared that Kendall would beat him up after he was finished with Logan.

"Oh, he's still here, I think. His mom is having him stay here with me while my parents are gone." Logan sighed, moving aside to allow Carlos to walk into the house.


"My parents are having Jennifer watch out for me. But she works at night, and somehow Kendall convinced her to let him stay here." They walked into the kitchen, the first place the two always went to when Carlos was there. "But, really, I think he did it so he had a place to throw parties and get away with it."

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