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Chapter 13:

“Wait!” Kendall said, rushing down the stairs. “I want to go with you.”

Everyone was shocked when Kendall said that, having assumed that he wanted nothing to do with his dad after he left his mom. Logan seemed to be the only one that recovered quickly, having remembered their conversation the night before and how Kendall seemed determined to talk about it with his mom later that day.

“What?” Kendall’s mother asked, sounding a little hurt but trying her hardest not to show it.

“Well, I mean,” He started, looking over at Logan for a second and then over at his mom before continuing. “Logan and I were talking last night and he mentioned that he was scared that his father would show up and take him back. And I figured that this would be the easiest way to put his mind at ease and this way James would also being getting away from his parents and none of us has to worry about anything.”

“So, you’re not coming with me just because you want to?”

“No, I’ve told you before I didn’t want anything to do with you. I just want my friends safe away from anyone that could hurt them.”

Which was true, but mostly he wanted Logan safe. He didn’t understand why it seemed so important to him, but it was and he’d do anything to make it happen. But he wasn’t about to let anyone else know that he was mostly doing it for Logan’ safety because he knew that James could take care of himself and he didn’t need someone to save him.

“Okay, well.” His father began, swallowing loudly to avoid giving away just how much it hurt to hear his son say he was only willing to leave with him because of his friends. “You guys have a couple hours to get ready to leave. I suggest you bring only things needed instead of everything. I’ll be back to pick you guys up later.”

With that, he walked out of the house, slamming the door as he left. Everyone flinched at the force put behind the slam, but essentially ignored it as Kendall started apologizing to his mom.

“Kendall, it’s fine.” She said, cutting him off halfway through a sentence. “I get it. You want to make sure that your friends are safe from the people that are hurting them. I mean, I’m upset that you won’t be here anymore; but I’m not hurt that you chose to save your friends.”

“Yeah,” Katie spoke up. “if you had chose to go with him because you wanted to, however, I’d have to kick your ass!”

“Katie!” Mrs. Knight exclaimed. “Don’t use that language!”

“What? I’m just saying. I wouldn’t be very happy with him if he chose dad over you, mom.”

“And if that ever happened, Katie, I would willingly take whatever punishment you deemed worthy, trust me.” Kendall said, smiling over towards her to show that he appreciated her being okay with his choice.


“Are you sure you want to come with?” Logan asked as he watched Kendall shove as many clothes as he could into the duffle bag lying on his bed. “I doubt my mom will be too thrilled if I brought someone with me. And I don’t even want to think about what will happen if my father came back while we are there.”

“Logan, I wouldn’t have offered if I hadn’t meant it. Besides, you’re going to need help carrying your things back over here. We’re not taking everything now, but we can at least bring everything over here that way we won’t have to go back over there next time we’re here.”

“Okay.” Logan whispered, getting up to help grab a few pieces of clothing to help Kendall.

James had already gone over to his house, knowing that it would take awhile to out of the house once his parents realized what was happening. He said that he wanted to be there for Logan as well, but it wouldn’t have been plausible since he had his own things to work out before they could leave. Logan was the one to convince him that he would be fine with only Kendall, which was the only reason James had willingly left the house.

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