Chapter Four

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Chapter Four.

Logan had to pretty much beg Jenifer, the next day, to go over to Carlos' house for dinner. His parents apparently told her that he wasn't to leave the house for whatever reason unless it was an emergency or for school, on the weekends he was allowed to go over to Kendall's house for dinner – that was when Jenifer had her days off, which was when they all ate as a family.

But after about an hour, and a lot of persuasion, Logan was finally able to convince her that he'd be back within an hour of leaving. And that was the only time that he was going to be allowed to leave the house – which was only agreed upon because Kendall said that he was going over to Jett's house for dinner. So, the boys were allowed to leave the house, while Katie – Kendall's sister – was able to go over to a friend's house.

What Logan didn't expect to happen once he showed up to Carlos' house ten minutes before dinner was on the table, was Carlos dragging him up to his room and locking the door behind them.


Kendall, honestly, has never felt really comfortable around Jett. And maybe he should have trusted his gut instinct when he felt more than a little unsafe around him; but the fact that Jett was able to make his life a living hell at school and home, kept him from thinking too much into it.

The first time he ever felt unsafe around Jett wasn't the first time that they met, but it had been the first time that he met him through their parents. They had spent the whole night together, the five of them, and when Kendall brought Jett up to his room after dinner, Jett had this look on his face that scared Kendall a little. He hadn't thought anything of it, until the bedroom door was shut and Jett was forcing their mouths together. Jett had held Kendall face in place, while Jett forced his tongue into his mouth. They had stayed that way – Kendall pushing against Jett's chest, and Jett forcing himself onto Kendall – until there was a knock on the door, signaling that Jett was leaving.

That night, Kendall stayed up all night trying to figure out why he had done it, but came across blank. He didn't understand why Jett had forced Kendall to kiss him. And the worse part about it was that it had been Kendall's first kiss.

But ever since then, Kendall hadn't thought anything about what Jett ever did because if he did, Kendall was sure that he'd come across something that Kendall didn't like.

However, that didn't stop him from seeing things that Jett did that he didn't like. For example: when Jett had James and Kendall over at his house the first time Kendall met James. Jett had thought that Kendall had fallen asleep, but Kendall had only closed his eyes for a couple minutes. It had been really obvious that James hadn't wanted Jett to do what he had been doing, but that didn't stop Jett from crawling onto James' lap and forced himself onto James. After a couple seconds, when Jett's hands started traveling towards James' zipper, Kendall had decided that he better intervene or he was going to regret it.

After that night, James hardly came around, only paying attention to Jett when they were at school. Kendall didn't blame him, honestly, James would have gotten raped, if it hadn't been for Kendall stopping Jett. But that left Kendall, himself, for Jett; and it was only a matter of time until Jett forced himself on him.

But he had hoped that Jett would get over his sick obsession of forcing himself on people before that happened. Sadly, however, it hadn't happened and Jett had found the perfect moment to force Kendall into something that he most definitely didn't want.


"What's going on, Carlos?" Logan asked, raising his eyebrows in question.

"Well," Carlos began, biting on his bottom lip. "My parents may have decided that we were moving a lot sooner than they thought because they want to be settled into the house before the baby comes. And if we move now, then everything will be settled in a couple months before the baby's due."

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