Chapter Eleven.

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Chapter Eleven.

Life wasn't always horrible for Logan. James remembers times when he would go over to Logan's house and Logan's parents would take them out to the movies or swimming or Logan's father would teach them how to play hockey. And James wasn't really sure when things changed with Logan's father, but it was just like one day James was able to be over there for days at a time and the next Logan's dad was telling James he wasn't welcome to come around anymore.

At the time, James wasn't sure why. He thought that it had something to do with him or that he had done something wrong. But it didn't seem like such a problem for a while, Logan had moved away after Logan's father banned him from coming around and Logan seemed to have forgotten all about him.

As the years went by, however, Logan seemed to have moved back in town. And for a while, James thought that Logan's father was going to go searching for him and tell him that he wasn't allowed to talk to Logan, but he never did. And James was kind of grateful for that, until James remembered that his friends had a problem with Logan back when he first was here. So, James never walked up to Logan and Logan never came up to him.

And it wasn't even three months into the time that Logan had come back, when Logan's big secret was revealed. It wasn't like Logan had outright said "I'm gay" but it wasn't like he denied it, either. And after that, rumors went around that Logan had moved away from every school that had found out; everyone was almost certain that Logan beg his parents to move again. He never did, though, and that shocked everyone.

That's when James realized what was going on. Well, not everything, but most of it. He had figured out that Logan's parents were homophobic (but he had thought that it was his parents that were making him move every time people found out, at first) and that (eventually) Logan had been the one who was begging to move whenever someone found out the truth. This had meant that his parents didn't know the truth, and that was why they moved a lot.

James didn't find out about the abusiveness until Logan started showing up at school with bruises. Jett may have beat Logan up, but he wasn't stupid enough to leave any bruises (if he left any at all) where people could see them. And James didn't think Logan's dad was that stupid, until he overheard a conversation Logan and Kendall had about Logan's bruises and where they had come from.

It wasn't like James made a habit of eavesdropping on his friends' conversations, but it had shocked James enough to stop what he was doing and listen in on it. But then Kendall changed the subject to Logan cussing and James had walked away before anyone could find out that James was listening in. Logan had denied everything but it didn't take a scientist to know the waver in Logan's voice meant that he was lying.

Which was why, when Logan's parents came home from Paris early, he had Carlos help him get Logan out of the house. But that didn't last long because Logan had gone home in the middle of the night and hadn't listened to Kendall when he said that was a bad idea. Granted, it wasn't like Logan would listen to Kendall anyways when Kendall had told him to go home earlier that day because he was tired of Logan's parents coming over.

And now, he had to find a way to get Logan out of that house, again, before anything major happens. But that was kind of impossible when Logan's parents were saying that Logan didn't want any visitors at the moment.

James figured that Logan's parents wouldn't let him miss any school, so James would just wait for the next day to confront Logan about not going back.


James' plan backfired, when Logan didn't show up for school the next day.

He waited until after school to go over to Logan's house again, not wanting to skip his classes and draw any unnecessary attention his way. And when he got there, Logan's father answered the door.

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