Advanced Level

Techno-Magic Enhancements
Evolution: auto-upgrade once new technology becomes available.
Extrasensory Perception: enhance detection and analysis via ESP.
Infinite Supply: unlimited ammo and energy for weapons and devices.
Infusion: enhanced weapons with supernatural effects.
Invulnerability: strengthen materials against physical damage.
Energy Resistance: strengthen materials against energy damage.
Supernatural Resistance: strengthen materials against supernatural effects.
Mode Switching: change form and weapons to fight different enemies.
Paradox Inducement: defy the rules of logic multiplying the unit's power and speed, notably projectile attacks.
Reactive Adaptation: spontaneously adapt to enemies/situations.
Regenerative Healing Factor: fast self-repairs after taking damage.
Reforming: self-reconstruction when destroyed.
Replication: self-duplication.Sequenced 
Teleportation: automatic retreat to safety after taking too much damage.
Flash Step: instant move from on point to another on the battlefield.
Targeting: correct the trajectory of projectiles to always hit their targets.
Transformation: temporarily upgrade into better versions of itself.
Weapon Proficiency: automatic mastery of the weapons.
Adaptive Replication: assimilation of exotic effects. technologies/supernatural
Superior Adaptation: automatic adaptation to fit any purpose.
Adaptive Energy
Adaptive Magic
Limitation Transcendence: overcome the limitations of technology and magic.
Magitek Physiology: physically and conceptually personify mystical technology.
Enchanted Symbiotic Exoskeleton
Technomagical Symbiotic
Omnifabrication: creation of any construct with any properties/effects:Develop a Miracle Machine that'll grant any and every possible desire.
Erasing weapons.Mass Power Erasure generators.Reality Rewriting via Interfaces.Technomagical Object TechnomagicalWeaponry
Omnifarious: Have a body made up of technomagical shape-shifting nanites with infinite possibilities.
Possibility Reconstruction: via law altering mechanization.
Potential Creation: via infusion of technomagic nanites.
Rule Transcendence: bypass the inhibitions of machine or mysticism.
Tetralogy: able to master and perfect all the known laws of logic and nature.
Science-Magic Ascendancy
Magic Destruction
Magic Immunity
Magic Negation
Ley Line Manipulation
Magical Energy Manipulation Magic
Magic Creation
Spell Casting
Spell Creation
Magically Enhanced Physiology
Magic Intuition
Almighty Magic - Wield magic that is undefeated.
Meta Magic - Be free from all the limitations of magic.
Magically Enhanced Physiology - Be physically empowered by magical energies.
Omni-Magic - Wield all forms of magic.
Adaptive Magic - Use a special type of adaptive magic.
Elemental Magic - Master all the elements.
Logic Manipulation - Break the laws of nature and common sense.
Magic Aura - Surround oneself in any type of magical energy.
Magic Combat - Infuse magic with physical attacks.
Magic Empowerment - Gain strength from magical forces.
Magic Immunity - Be immune to the magic powers of others.
Magic Negation - Negate the magical abilities of other with ease.
Mana Manipulation - Control sentient mystical energies that are present throughout the universe.
Meta Summoning - Summon virtually anything.
Meta Teleportation - Teleport oneself to any time and location.
Spell Casting - Cast as many spells as one wishes.
Lunar Manipulation
Solar Manipulation
Universal Manipulation
Vacuum Adaptation
Chaos Inducement
Chaos Manipulation
Madness Manipulation
Probability Manipulation
Cosmic Creation
Creator Deity Physiology
Reality Warping
Death-Force Manipulation
Death Aspect Manifestation
Death Inducement
Death Sense
Lifeline Sight
Grim Reaper Physiology
Nether Manipulation
Pain Suppression/Pain Inducement
Destroyer Deity Physiology
Explosion Manipulation
Nothingness Manipulation
Disease Manipulation
Healing Factor Nullification
Pestilence Manipulation
Pollution Manipulation
All Dragon-based Powers
Environmental Adaptation
Cosmic Manipulation
Cosmic Awareness
Divine Force Manipulation/Demonic Force Manipulation
Draconic Element Manipulation
Conceptual Element Manipulation
Elemental Breath
Elemental Manipulation
Draconic Energy Manipulation
Dragon Creation
Flight/Wing Manifestation
Immortality/Absolute Immortality
Invulnerability/Absolute Invulnerability
Primordial Force Manipulation
Primordial Reality Manipulation

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