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Lucas's pov
Finally graduation day! School is over with for the year! The babies are know 6 months old and getting so big. I cant wait to get up north and see the family. They haven't gotten to see them very much so it will be a good time.
"Babe come on or we are going to be late!" Ava yelled from the bottom of the stairs.
"Coming!" I grabbed Braxton off the bed and took him downstairs. I put him in his carseat and set him by the door. I put Braley in hers and took them to the car. I closed the door and waited for Emma and Ava. Tell me to hurry up when they arnt even ready. They came out about 5 minutes later.
"Took ya long enough." I mumbled.
"Shut up." She said back. Dang she was in a bad mood.
"What's wrong?"
"Nothing just tired and ready to get my deploma."
"Oh." I grabbed her hand and she relaxed a little. I looked at her and smiled. Sometimes she need to calm down. My mom and dad, Ava's mom and sister was coming, Noah, Ryan, and Emily are also coming. Once we got there we got out and went in the school. There was a bunch of people waiting to go in the auditorium. We pushed through them and went to the seats that we saved for our family. Only Ryan, Emily, Abby, and Noah were there. We still had about a hour before it started. We handed the babies and Em over to Emily and Abby.
"We have to go get ready so see you guys soon." I said kissing my kids on the head.
I grabbed Ava's hand and walked out. We walked to the band room behind the auditorium. Everybody was getting ready some were even crying. There was only about 25 of us because we had a small school. I got my cap and gown on and so did Ava's.
Ava's pov
I was on the verge of crying. Everything seemed to go so fast. I mean babies then finishing school. When I look back and see everything That has happened its crazy. Just from going up north and Logan telling me he liked me on the docks. The first kiss with butterfly's in my stomach. Moving from that to conceiving our babies. After that telling him and then telling the family. My aunt dying and adopting Emma. Moving into our own house. Having our awesome womderful babies. And now this. Its just been a crazy road but it all comes to this. We are a loving family and its awesome.
"Ava why are you crying?" Lucas said. I didn't even realize I was crying.
"Just this day. Everything that has come to this day. I love you so much and I don't want you to ever forget that. I will always be here for you whenever you need me."
"I love you too baby!" He then kissed me.
"Line up everyone were about to go on. Meet outside the auditorium."
We walked out of the room and lined up. I was first because I was president of our class and the smartest. Lucas was the second smartest so he was second but on the other side. He looked at me and smiled. Pomp and Circumstance came started playing. We looked at each other one more time. I started crying. I walked down the aisle. I could see Lucas look at me. I smiled while I cried. I finally got up on the stage and sat down. We met in the middle of the first row. Once everyone was sitting I had to give my speach.
"Know Kaylin Ewald the president." Everyone clapped as I got up.
"Well I want to start out with thanking everyone for coming to this special day. I would personally like to thank my parents and my wonderful boyfriend Logan and my babies. They all pushed me to do my best and try my hardest. I never gave up. If things got hard I would push my way through it. Another thank you to all my class mates. We have for had our ups and downs and maybe still do but that's what made my 12 years of school awesome. In first grade playing soccer like a big happy family. We have laughed and cried together through the years and that's what got us here. We dealt with our problems with each other and made it. I will be attending Michigan State in the fall for computer science and engineering. And with that concluding I would like to finish off with. Class of 2015 we made it!" Everyone clapped with a few woops from the boys. I went and sat back down. I think it went good.
"Now time to hand out the deplomas."
"Ava." I walked up there and shook hand with the man and sat back down.
"Lucas." He got up and walked shook hand with him.
"Good job daddy!" Emma said everyone laughed or said aw. He came and sat back down.
"We did it babe." I looked over and smiled at him and blushed. Don't ask why he's just that amazing.
"Yes we did." We both looked at our family and they smiled at us. We laughed a little. Braxton was making funny faces that really made us laugh. We held it in though because people were still going.
"And with the conclusion This is your class of 2015!" We all stood up and through our caps in the air. We exited like we did when we came in. Once we were all off I ran over to Lucas and wrapped my legs around him.
"We did it!" I said in his ear.
"Yes we did!" He said and kissed me. We went back into the auditorium where everyone was sitting. They were getting fussy so I took them away and found a bench were nobody would go. I was feeding Braley when Braxton had a full out melt down. He was screaming and crying his head off. I had to do something so I burped Braley fast then feed Braton what sucks is he wouldn't latch. He was still screaming. Then Braley started to cry. And then I did. Sometimes it was so frustrating to brest feed.

"You want some help?" Emily said picking up Braxton. She started rocking him and he calmed down a little. I felt so bad seeing his face all red and tears coming from his face. I finished feeding braley and then Braxton. Cass went back to everyone while I took the babies to the locker room with me so I could freshin up. Once I looked better I walked back to everyone.

"You were gone awhile everyone wanted to see the babies. Is everything okay?" Lucas asked.

"No Braxton was throwing a huge fit his was was red with tears coming down his face while I was feeding Braley who once I put her down to calm down Braxton she started crying and then Braxton wouldn't latch. Then Emily came to help me."


What's his deal. I don't care at this point all I want is some food.

"Lets go eat." I said getting my coat on. We got in the truck and headed to the restaurant.

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