Genders and leaving

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Avas pov

I woke up the next morning excited. I really want to know what I'm having. I think I'm at least having one boy but I don't know. I look at Ems crib and saw that she's awake.

"Hey baby girl! You wanna go to the doctors with me and daddy?"


"Ok and also your going to be with me for a week or you wont see daddy."


"Because we have to go to my old house."

"Ok" She said in a sad voice. I got her dressed and put her on the bed to play. I went to the bath room and got dressed. I put on some jeans, a sweat shirt, and my boots. I brushed my hair and put it in a pony tail. I walked out and grabbed Emma. I held her hand going down the stairs to make sure she wouldn't fall.

"Good morning beautifuls!" Lucas said sitting on the couch.

"Good morning daddy!" Emma said letting go of my hand and running to him. It was snowing out since it was December. I was 6 months today. Yes! That means Christmas is coming soon! I love Christmas so freaking much! Just the white snow and the time the family spends together. I just love it all!

"Ok lets go." I said pitting on my winter jacket and walking out the door. We had an early appointment because I was leaving today with my sister. I hate leaving Lucas but its only for a week. We got in the truck and went off.

At The Doctors--

I went up to the front desk to check in.

"Hello I'm here for Lucas."

"Ok the doctor will be right with you."

"Ok thank you."

"Your welcome." That nurse was really nice. I went and sat back down where they where sitting. We waited about 5 minutes before the doctor called us in.

"Ava?" The doctor said We got up and followed her in a room.

"Ok so how have your been?" She asked.


"So do you still want to know the genders?"


"Ok let me put on this gel and take a look."

She squirted the gel on and it was cold.

"Ok so baby number one is a.......... BOY! And baby number two is a..........Girl! Congrats one of each!" She said. Lucas and I looked at each other and smiled.

"You guys are really cute together. How did you guys meet?" The doc asked.

"Um we are actually cousins but we are together now."

"Oh that's different. But as long as you guys love each other."

With that we walked out and went back to the cabin. On the way home we decided that we would tell everyone what the babies are when we get together for Christmas.

When we got back to the cabin we had to leave. I went upstairs and grabbed our bags and brought them to My truck. I had a red 2014 chevy Silverado. Lucas took Emma's car seat and put it in there for me.

"I'm going to miss you and the babies." Lucas said putting his hands around my waist.

"I'm going to miss you too." I said kissing him. We went back inside to say goodbye to everyone. When I was done we walked out to the car.

"Love you so much baby girl! Ill call you every night! Bye sweetie!" He said closing the door.

"Are you sure your ok with her by yourself?"

"Yeah ill be fine trust me."

"Ok well you better get going. Love you bye." He said kissing me. I got in the truck and left.

It was a two hour drive home so I put on the radio. Nothing good was playing so I turn on my Lee Brice cd. The first song was I Don't Dance. I love that song! I sang along to the whole song. I looked back and saw Em was sleeping. She must have been really tired since we haven't even been on the road thirty minutes.

Hour later----

"Mommy I miss daddy." Emma said waking up.

"I miss him too but it will only be for a week. Do you wanna face time him?"


I got out my phone still watching the road and called him for her.

"Ok your calling him.

Lucas pov--

Once Ava left I went back inside. I still had to get my things around and go home. I sat on the couch and looked at my phone. I had a miss call from Katie. She probably wanted to go back out which would never happen. I ended up calling her.


"What do you want?" I said without any emotions.

"I want us back. I miss your hugs and kisses. Ava is a piece of trash. She is pregnant. She is going to get ugly and she's going to always be mad at you. Please Logan I love you so much! Please let's have us back. I can make you happy she cant cause she's huge. Can I come over so we can talk about it?"

"First of Hell No you cant come over! Second DON'T you ever say that Has is a piece of trash. She is the most beautiful human being on this planet. I don't want us back. I love her, my baby girls, and my boy so freaking much! Don't ever call me again or talk to me ever again! Ava makes me happy. Our family makes me happy. You don't! I never liked you. I was using you to get her in outa my mind because I knew that we could never happen. But look it did so I don't need you anymore! Bye!" With that I hung up. I was so mad at this point. I went outside to the end of the dock. I was on Facebook until I got a face time from Ava. I answer it of course. When I did a picture of Emma can up.

"Hi Daddy!"

"Hi baby girl!"

"I miss you. Why aren't you with us?"

"I miss you too. I have to go home and pack all my things up so we can move in together in a house we bought."

"Oh. Momma played my favorite song!"


"Yeah well I really miss you already but I have to go! Bye Daddy!"

"Bye sweetie!"

She hung up. I started crying. I know guys aren't suppose to cry but I already missed my babies.

"Man you ok?" Ryan said sitting next to me.

"Yeah its just hard leaving Ava and the babies man. I love them so much."

"Yeah I bet. So other than that what's been going on?"

"Nothing. We bought a house in the middle of both families and that's about it."

"Cool. Any races to go too?"

"Yeah I have one this weekend but it sucks Ava cant be there."

"Yeah. Ill go it ya want me too. Noah and Abby might want to to."


"Well lets get going we have a long drive home still." We both got up and went to the truck and left.

Im in love with my cousin!?Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя